Miss In Kiss
Content Warning: Language
My Rating: C
Character Glossary:
Jiang Zhi-Shu: Love Interest
Xiang Yue Qin: Main Character
Ah-jin: Friendzone
Wu Zi yu: Competition for Love Interest
Bearded Chang: Volleyball Coach

Miss In Kiss is about a girl named Yue Qin who has had a crush on the smartest guy in school Zhi-shu for the longest time. She is determined to win his heart despite his constant rejections. However he thinks he has the upper hand and is determined to keep her at arms length. But he soon discovers that is harder than he thought.
OVERALL STORY: The story reminded me a lot of Meteor Garden in the way that the main guy is a jerk. But instead of being like Daoming Si who acknowledged Shancai this guy does not acknowledge her for the LONGEST time. And this show is not short of second hand embarrassment moments. There were so many times where I covered my eyes not wanting to watch what crazy stuff Yue Qin got herself into. However I do think the story developed pretty well. It took long enough for them to get together to be realistic. But it was also a bit annoying with how long it took cause so much got in their way. Overall though it was a good story and was timed just perfectly.
MAIN COUPLE: Once they got together they were so cute. It was precious to watch him gradually take notice of her and care what she thinks. It is not long before you can tell that he genuinely cares for her. And they are so cute together! He just had to acknowledge his feelings and then he was committed. And he played her song at their wedding which was thoughtfulness itself. He really is a sweetheart once you get past the jerk exterior.
OTHER COUPLE: There is a couple I hoped would get together which was Zi yu and Bearded Chang because Bearded Chang was my favorite and I think he definitely deserved a happy ending. But alas no such ship occurred, if they make another season I'll hold onto the hope that maybe it will one day. Another couple in this show is between Zi yu's sister and this awkward smiley guy. I don't know how to feel about them.... mostly because of the awkward smiley guy.
JIANG ZHI-SHU: This guy was such a jerk at first that I wasn't sure if I wanted her to end up with him. I mean he was really degrading to her and totally thought he was better than her. That was a load of crap but I wanted to watch and understand how she could let herself get together with a guy like that. However throughout the story he isn't such a jerk anymore. Once he starts to care about someone outside of himself he becomes a whole new person. And I liked him by the end. He just had to get over himself.
ZIANG YUE-QIN: She was a really sweet and innocent girl. Only she could have brought about the change in him with her sunny personality. I hoped she would smarten up sometime during the show which she did and I was so proud of her for not letting herself be walked all over anymore. She definitely stood up for herself and became a stronger person. I was so proud of her.
AH-JIN: Welcome to the friend zone my friend. This guy was almost creepy with how much he wanted Yue Qin. I mean he was sweet to her and all but then he got hurt when she didn't like him back. Which is not a criticism! It is just a fact that she has liked Zhi-shu forever and I think he should have respected that instead of forcing himself upon her. He annoyed me so bad that I was almost happy he suffered the friend zone fate.
WU ZI YU: She sucked but then she became really cool. She was the one who became friends with Yue-qin and helped the ship sail. She became such a good friend and was a really good person. It was pretty awesome to see this change in her. She definitely became one of my favorite characters. (Her sister though? Not so much)
BEARDED CHANG: Bearded Chang is the freaking best. This dude is so hilarious and I love him. He is also the one to help the ship continue to sail. I mean he is like hardcore sometimes but then he's like Yue Qin I'll help you get Zhi-shu so I can get Zi Yu and she's like okay. The things they do together are one of the best parts of this show. Seeing them sneak around and try to win their crushes over is what I live for. Watch this show just for Bearded Chang.
"You can't like anyone else." - Zhi ShuSHIP VIDEO: (May Contain Spoilers)
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