Legend of the Blue Sea
Legend of the Blue Sea
Content Warning: Mild Language and Violence
My Rating: A-
Character Glossary:
Shim Chung: Main Character/ Mermaid
Heo Joon-Jae: Love interest/ Con Artist
Jo Nam-Doo: Main Dude's friend
Tae-Oh: Main Dude's friend/Hacker
Cha Shi-ah: Girl who wants to get with the main dude
Legend of the Blue Sea was one of those shows that I was like oh I'll just try it out because it sounds somewhat interesting. But it turned out to have a whole lot of depth to it and it actually ended up being a pretty good show. Legend of the Blue Sea is about a mermaid who ventures onto land to get the "human" experience because apparently it is that interesting for them. While she is there she meets up with con artist Heo Joon Jae and ends up on more adventure then she bargained for.

OVERALL STORY: I wasn't really sure how to feel about the whole mermaid plot line especially when it didn't seem to fit for the longest time. Like it was important to the story but it still seemed slightly out of place if you know what I mean. But in hindsight it actually was critical. This show is split into the past and the present. It shows their previous reincarnations and that story as a warning to the present. And her being a mermaid has everything to do with that. It leads to one creepy serial killer coming after her because he remembers a bit of his previous reincarnation (who seriously needs a dental plan). I hardcore hated the brother (of Heo Joon Jae) I mean his step-mother sucked crap but he was worse. I mean he literally killed his father just because he wasn't the favorite son. JEALOUSY. I understand it is a real emotion and more serious than most people give it credit for but seriously?! And then he killed himself. He was a rollercoaster.
MAIN COUPLE: Watching him soften and let down his guard around her was the most precious thing in the universe. She made him relax and want to be a better person. I mean he's a con man... not exactly a law abiding citizen. On the other side of things I love how sweet he is to her. He is patient with her lack of understanding of human culture. He is darling to her when she is going through a hard time. Watching the light enter both of their faces when they are together is the best thing ever. The ending with them bothered me a little bit with her leaving him for two years and everything because she got shot and needed to recover but it was THE SWEETEST when she came back. He made sure he remembered her every day and was so happy to see her again. And that final scene with them.... was the cutest thing ever. My favorite thing between them is the fact that once someone loves a mermaid they can hear her "true voice" which is just another word for hearing thoughts. Having Heo Joon Jae listen to everything was so precious I mean he thought it was adorable (except for when it prevented him from sleeping but honestly same) and I loved that.
SECONDARY COUPLE: This was a couple I DID NOT see coming. But they were freaking hilarious. Tae-oh told Cha shi-ah that he loved her in order to distract her from going into this house that Heo Joon Jae and the group was swindling. That prompted her to think he actually meant it which led to a whole bunch of awkwardly funny moments. However as time went on feelings became more real on both of their sides. Which was actually kind of precious to watch. And then they end with a proposal which I love.
SHIM CHUNG: I loved her innocence. It added such a dimension to the story and she touched these people in the way only she can. She is kind and selfless and I love that about her. She brings out the best in people. You don't run into a lot of girls along the same vein as her. Throughout the show you do see a loss of that innocence a bit with her understanding that the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows. However she still finds the good and forgives a lot of the bad. She shows a lot to aspire too.
HEO JOON-JAE: I kind of have thing for main guys who aren't exactly good. I mean he is a con artist and for the longest time his instinct is to keep going along with that. However besides that he is also such a nice person. Like he is endlessly patient with Shim Chung which I never expected from him. Also having him come to terms with is past and moving forward was good. He had a lot of stuff to push through. He had a really rough childhood I mean it broke my heart. That's why I was beyond grateful that he found his mom. He needed that desperately.
JO NAM-DOO: I loved this guy then I hated him and then I loved him again. He was such a fun dude to watch on screen and then he's like I'm going to sell Shim Chung out for money. BUT THEN he's like never mind why would I do that to my friends. I mean he literally made a deal with the devil in order to help the police catch the lunatics. He is such a freaking pro I adore him.
TAE-OH: He is a weird dude. I mean I like him but he is just...unusual. He is an absolutely brilliant hacker but sometimes I wonder about him. I wish I could give a more full description on him but.... there are no words to describe him.
CHA SHI-AH: I still can't decide whether I like her or not. She kept trying to ruin my ship but once she stopped doing that she was pretty great. She had some super hilarious moments and by the end I guess I can say I did like her. She was pretty great and her romance with Tae-oh was the best.
"Even if we are different I won't leave you." - Heo Joon Jae
SHIP VIDEO: (May Contain Spoilers)
Content Warning: Mild Language and Violence
My Rating: A-
Character Glossary:
Shim Chung: Main Character/ Mermaid
Heo Joon-Jae: Love interest/ Con Artist
Jo Nam-Doo: Main Dude's friend
Tae-Oh: Main Dude's friend/Hacker
Cha Shi-ah: Girl who wants to get with the main dude
Legend of the Blue Sea was one of those shows that I was like oh I'll just try it out because it sounds somewhat interesting. But it turned out to have a whole lot of depth to it and it actually ended up being a pretty good show. Legend of the Blue Sea is about a mermaid who ventures onto land to get the "human" experience because apparently it is that interesting for them. While she is there she meets up with con artist Heo Joon Jae and ends up on more adventure then she bargained for.

OVERALL STORY: I wasn't really sure how to feel about the whole mermaid plot line especially when it didn't seem to fit for the longest time. Like it was important to the story but it still seemed slightly out of place if you know what I mean. But in hindsight it actually was critical. This show is split into the past and the present. It shows their previous reincarnations and that story as a warning to the present. And her being a mermaid has everything to do with that. It leads to one creepy serial killer coming after her because he remembers a bit of his previous reincarnation (who seriously needs a dental plan). I hardcore hated the brother (of Heo Joon Jae) I mean his step-mother sucked crap but he was worse. I mean he literally killed his father just because he wasn't the favorite son. JEALOUSY. I understand it is a real emotion and more serious than most people give it credit for but seriously?! And then he killed himself. He was a rollercoaster.
MAIN COUPLE: Watching him soften and let down his guard around her was the most precious thing in the universe. She made him relax and want to be a better person. I mean he's a con man... not exactly a law abiding citizen. On the other side of things I love how sweet he is to her. He is patient with her lack of understanding of human culture. He is darling to her when she is going through a hard time. Watching the light enter both of their faces when they are together is the best thing ever. The ending with them bothered me a little bit with her leaving him for two years and everything because she got shot and needed to recover but it was THE SWEETEST when she came back. He made sure he remembered her every day and was so happy to see her again. And that final scene with them.... was the cutest thing ever. My favorite thing between them is the fact that once someone loves a mermaid they can hear her "true voice" which is just another word for hearing thoughts. Having Heo Joon Jae listen to everything was so precious I mean he thought it was adorable (except for when it prevented him from sleeping but honestly same) and I loved that.
SECONDARY COUPLE: This was a couple I DID NOT see coming. But they were freaking hilarious. Tae-oh told Cha shi-ah that he loved her in order to distract her from going into this house that Heo Joon Jae and the group was swindling. That prompted her to think he actually meant it which led to a whole bunch of awkwardly funny moments. However as time went on feelings became more real on both of their sides. Which was actually kind of precious to watch. And then they end with a proposal which I love.
SHIM CHUNG: I loved her innocence. It added such a dimension to the story and she touched these people in the way only she can. She is kind and selfless and I love that about her. She brings out the best in people. You don't run into a lot of girls along the same vein as her. Throughout the show you do see a loss of that innocence a bit with her understanding that the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows. However she still finds the good and forgives a lot of the bad. She shows a lot to aspire too.
HEO JOON-JAE: I kind of have thing for main guys who aren't exactly good. I mean he is a con artist and for the longest time his instinct is to keep going along with that. However besides that he is also such a nice person. Like he is endlessly patient with Shim Chung which I never expected from him. Also having him come to terms with is past and moving forward was good. He had a lot of stuff to push through. He had a really rough childhood I mean it broke my heart. That's why I was beyond grateful that he found his mom. He needed that desperately.
JO NAM-DOO: I loved this guy then I hated him and then I loved him again. He was such a fun dude to watch on screen and then he's like I'm going to sell Shim Chung out for money. BUT THEN he's like never mind why would I do that to my friends. I mean he literally made a deal with the devil in order to help the police catch the lunatics. He is such a freaking pro I adore him.
TAE-OH: He is a weird dude. I mean I like him but he is just...unusual. He is an absolutely brilliant hacker but sometimes I wonder about him. I wish I could give a more full description on him but.... there are no words to describe him.
CHA SHI-AH: I still can't decide whether I like her or not. She kept trying to ruin my ship but once she stopped doing that she was pretty great. She had some super hilarious moments and by the end I guess I can say I did like her. She was pretty great and her romance with Tae-oh was the best.
"Even if we are different I won't leave you." - Heo Joon Jae
SHIP VIDEO: (May Contain Spoilers)
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