Lawless Lawyer
Lawless Lawyer (Available on Viki)
Content: Language and Violence
My Rating: B+
Character Glossary:
Bong Sang Pil: Main Character (Lawyer)
Ha Jae Yi: Love Interest and Lawyer
Cha Moon Sook: Judge
Ahn Oh Joo: Gang Leader turned politician
Lawless Lawyer was such an amazing show.... for the first ten episodes. And they did pull it together at the end but I did not hold the same regard for it after the fiasco the middle caused. Lawless Lawyer is about a guy named Bong Sang Pil who is a lawyer who fights both with the law and with his fists. His mother was murdered when he was ten years old and when he receives a package he decides it is time to go back to his hometown and bring those people who killed his mom to justice. While he is there he meets a lawyer on suspension named Ha Jae Yi who he brings to his cause. But the path to justice is a lot more complicated then anyone anticipated.
OVERALL STORY: I really did like the concept that the story presented. Having a main character who both used the law and also was not afraid to do what was necessary was cool. I have a thing for the vigilante types. And I did love how the story got more complicated as time went on. One moment you think you have everything figured out and then the next you realize you actually know nothing. However I did hate the drama caused halfway through the show. It is of a romantic nature however it affected everything else and ruined the show for me. So Ha Jae Yi's mother was thought dead but then it turns out she is actually alive. And she is not happy about her daughter dating Bong Sang Pil she thinks its "dangerous" and all that crap. While I do accept that a mothers concern is viable she knows NOTHING about her daughter. Whether or not they were dating her daughter would run face first into danger because that is how she is. So she forced them to break up putting her daughter in even greater danger because bad guys don't differentiate based on whether someone is dating or not. I mean I don't think this is a conversation they would have:
Bad Guy #1: We have to figure out someway to get to Bong Sang Pil. We should use that girl he is dating.
Bad Guy #2: Ah man we can't. They just broke up so that means that kidnapping her will have no effect on him.
Bad Guy #1: Dang it. Guess we will have to come up with another plan.
MAIN COUPLE: To say I love them would be an understatement. I love their chemistry and I love how sweet and sensitive he becomes around her. I mean back when they still thought her mother was dead they go out and celebrate her birthday. It is a super sweet thought on his part and I swoon so much. It was definitely super precious. I love the support they had for each other along with the sweet looks they would give each other. I also love the fact that he would do anything for her. Gosh they love each other so much it is so precious.
BONG SANG PIL: I would almost consider him an anti-hero sometimes. I mean he does things that a person who is generally considered "Good" wouldn't do. He is not afraid to use less...lawful ways to accomplish his goals. Hence the whole "Lawless Lawyer" title. And I love his confidence and charisma. I mean he is so hilarious. He is in my top five favorite guys from asian shows so far so he is definitely pretty legit.
HA JAE YI: This girl is not afraid of anything. And I was immediately endeared to her from when we first get introduced to her. There is this misogynistic judge who rules against her client who was subjected to marital abuse and at her confronting him he said the crap lines of basically she is a woman so it doesn't matter blah blah blah. So bless her soul she just punched him out like such a pro. And she is so devoted to the cause of getting justice you can't help but love her.
CHA MOON SOOK: I didn't expect her to be the main villain nor did I expect to like her so much as a villain. She is intelligent and crafty. I mean the more you watch the show the more you figure out the majority of stuff she had all planned. I mean she made it so Bong Sang Pil would come back and try to get justice for his mom. She used so many people and she did it with such style. She was terrifying. I did love how she didn't expect the main couple to get together and that was one of the main things that ruined her master plan. The power of love is real guys.
AHN OH JOO: This guy is so weird. I mean I hated him forever but then in a weird way he grew on me. Like a wart. I was kind of sad when he died. Probably because he was so critical in bringing the main antagonist lady down. He was so pro once he decided to "switch sides" and you can't help but like him a little. I mean he did kill a lot of people so that keeps me from being more than unusually fond of him. But his character development was good. He was definitely an interesting character.
"If you hurt her even a little bit, I'll kill you." - Bong Sang Pil
SHIP VIDEO: (May Contain Spoilers)
Content: Language and Violence
My Rating: B+
Character Glossary:
Bong Sang Pil: Main Character (Lawyer)
Ha Jae Yi: Love Interest and Lawyer
Cha Moon Sook: Judge
Ahn Oh Joo: Gang Leader turned politician

OVERALL STORY: I really did like the concept that the story presented. Having a main character who both used the law and also was not afraid to do what was necessary was cool. I have a thing for the vigilante types. And I did love how the story got more complicated as time went on. One moment you think you have everything figured out and then the next you realize you actually know nothing. However I did hate the drama caused halfway through the show. It is of a romantic nature however it affected everything else and ruined the show for me. So Ha Jae Yi's mother was thought dead but then it turns out she is actually alive. And she is not happy about her daughter dating Bong Sang Pil she thinks its "dangerous" and all that crap. While I do accept that a mothers concern is viable she knows NOTHING about her daughter. Whether or not they were dating her daughter would run face first into danger because that is how she is. So she forced them to break up putting her daughter in even greater danger because bad guys don't differentiate based on whether someone is dating or not. I mean I don't think this is a conversation they would have:
Bad Guy #1: We have to figure out someway to get to Bong Sang Pil. We should use that girl he is dating.
Bad Guy #2: Ah man we can't. They just broke up so that means that kidnapping her will have no effect on him.
Bad Guy #1: Dang it. Guess we will have to come up with another plan.
MAIN COUPLE: To say I love them would be an understatement. I love their chemistry and I love how sweet and sensitive he becomes around her. I mean back when they still thought her mother was dead they go out and celebrate her birthday. It is a super sweet thought on his part and I swoon so much. It was definitely super precious. I love the support they had for each other along with the sweet looks they would give each other. I also love the fact that he would do anything for her. Gosh they love each other so much it is so precious.
BONG SANG PIL: I would almost consider him an anti-hero sometimes. I mean he does things that a person who is generally considered "Good" wouldn't do. He is not afraid to use less...lawful ways to accomplish his goals. Hence the whole "Lawless Lawyer" title. And I love his confidence and charisma. I mean he is so hilarious. He is in my top five favorite guys from asian shows so far so he is definitely pretty legit.
HA JAE YI: This girl is not afraid of anything. And I was immediately endeared to her from when we first get introduced to her. There is this misogynistic judge who rules against her client who was subjected to marital abuse and at her confronting him he said the crap lines of basically she is a woman so it doesn't matter blah blah blah. So bless her soul she just punched him out like such a pro. And she is so devoted to the cause of getting justice you can't help but love her.
CHA MOON SOOK: I didn't expect her to be the main villain nor did I expect to like her so much as a villain. She is intelligent and crafty. I mean the more you watch the show the more you figure out the majority of stuff she had all planned. I mean she made it so Bong Sang Pil would come back and try to get justice for his mom. She used so many people and she did it with such style. She was terrifying. I did love how she didn't expect the main couple to get together and that was one of the main things that ruined her master plan. The power of love is real guys.
AHN OH JOO: This guy is so weird. I mean I hated him forever but then in a weird way he grew on me. Like a wart. I was kind of sad when he died. Probably because he was so critical in bringing the main antagonist lady down. He was so pro once he decided to "switch sides" and you can't help but like him a little. I mean he did kill a lot of people so that keeps me from being more than unusually fond of him. But his character development was good. He was definitely an interesting character.
"If you hurt her even a little bit, I'll kill you." - Bong Sang Pil
SHIP VIDEO: (May Contain Spoilers)
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