Accidentally In Love
Accidentally In Love (Netflix Original)
Content Warning: Minor Language, Action Scenes
My Rating: A-
Character Glossary: (For Reference)
Situ Feng- The main guy
Chen Qing Qing- the main girl
Gu Nanxi- Situ Fengs best friend
Zhang FangFang- Qing Qing's BFF
Lan Xinya- Main "Antagonist"
Lin Yiyang- Resident Bad Boy
Accidentally in Love was the first Asian Drama I ever watched! My friend and I were scrolling through Netflix one day and ran into it. She clicked Play unaware of the monster that would be released in me from such a decision. :D
Accidentally In Love is about two people, the wildly popular Situ Feng and a runaway heiress Chen QingQing. They run into each other and get into some complicated moments that lead to a very antagonistic start on both of their parts.They end up at the same college where sparks and fists fly. (I say fists but she also kicked him too so that isn't entirely accurate.)
This show is super cute and (excluding the language) relatively clean. It has pretty amazing music and the main dude is pretty adorable soooo I would recommend this show 100%!!!
OVERALL STORY: I thought the plot for this show developed rather well. It got a lot more in depth then one would expect from this cheesy romantic comedy. It got into PTSD which fleshed out the story a lot more. You end up getting a lot of depth behind why the mean people are mean. Which I always adore! It is a sign of a good story when the author takes the time to say that they are people too. And although what they are doing sucks here is a reason why. (If you really enjoy stories with that though I'd recommend watching My ID is Gangnam Beauty the review will be up for that soon if you want to wait for that) I thought that the whole pretending to be engaged plot point at the beginning was going to turn into more but it never did. Which was disappointing at first but I liked where they went with the story instead. I'm really glad that there wasn't a major love triangle in this although two guys liked her. Also the three different identities she assumed in the story was fun too. Having to see her hide it and use it in order to take revenge on Situ Feng is hilarious.
MAIN COUPLE: To say that they are cute is an understatement. I just love how sweet Situ Feng is in relation to Qing Qing. He is worried when she is sick and will literally go to the point of dressing like a girl in order to sneak into her dorm and make sure she is okay. (Which doesn't turn out too well for him mind you but it's the thought that counts.) He is also fiercely protective and when she gets kidnapped he does not just sit back but goes out and fights for her. (In admittedly one of the worst fight scenes I have ever seen but I digress.) She is also super amazing in this relationship. She understands his terror of the water and willingly steps in so that he doesn't have to deal with it. When he is told he has to go into the water for a movie she steps in as his stunt double so that he doesn't have to go through it. However when the time comes later on for him to face his fear she is ready and willing to help. And it works. (It is also one of my favorite sequences ever) She helps him get past that PTSD and forgive himself. It is a pretty incredible relationship.
SECONDARY COUPLE: I nearly love this relationship as much as the main one. Fang Fang is a shyer more keep to herself kind of person. But she is also sweet and friendly. She catches the eye of Lin Yiyang who (if you read above) is the bad boy of the college. He is in charge of his own gang and is not afraid to get his hands dirty. He is also a precious cinnamon roll but that is besides the point. They start off kind of rocky as well with her getting accidentally involved in a kidnapping along with her getting injured because of him. He also actively goes after her best friend and tries to punish her which doesn't do him any favors. However he becomes protective of her and fights off creepy dudes and jealous girls. As he slowly puts away his hate and lets himself open up to her they really are the sweetest.
OTHER COUPLES: One other couple that becomes more important later is between Xinya and this really sweet dude. The funny thing about this couple is that I thought the guy was gay for the longest time but then he showed interest in Xinya and then I knew I was wrong. They were super cute though. He gave her the support and love she was seeking. He also was there for her when she needed him. Although she was still mean by the end he did take her edge off.
SITU FENG: This dude is great boyfriend material. As explained in the "Main Couple" Section he is protective, sweet, and sensitive. He is also a fabulous singer (Go listen to the album on Youtube when you have the chance. Star is my personal favorite but they are all gorgeous) It is fun to see the icy exterior he builds up fall away as the show goes on. And he proves himself to be someone that would be absolutely amazing to introduce your parents (Or Grandpa) too.
CHEN QING QING: She doesn't take crap from anyone. Which is probably why she and the main dude had to end up together because he needs someone to kick the idiot out of him :) She is also a really good friend who is willing to do anything she can to help someone in need. It is no mystery why Situ Feng fell in love with her.
GU NANXI: I didn't really talk about him much in the reviews above but that doesn't make him any less important. He is the other side of this love triangle that isn't really a love triangle. He is the smart yet athletic dude which you don't usually get that as a mix. He first liked Qing Chen who was Chen Qing Qing's "alter ego." However when he realized they were the same people his feelings never changed. Until that is he met that girl in the last episode and he thankfully had a happy ending. This guy is an all around likeable person. And sometimes he was the only smart one so bless his soul.
ZHANG FANG FANG: She is probably the one I related to most in the show because I am very similar to her. She is shy yet she can be "loud" when needed. (haha like when she caught Situ Feng sneaking into the girls dorm #neverforget) She is super sweet and although there is no doubt she can hold her own it is nice when she gets the protection of those around her. She is the epitome of best friend ideals.
LAN XINYA: I didn't talk about her either in anything previously. She is the resident "mean girl" and does everything she can to upstage Chen Qing Qing. Just your typical jerk girl who is popular and good looking. However we end up finding out later that there is a little more to her character. She is naive and is desperately seeking approval and love. She lost her sister and clung to Situ Feng as kind of her life raft. There is a point (well multiple I guess) where she is convinced to attempt suicide in order to get Situ Feng's attention. This is when it is realized that she doesn't just have the normal petty feelings, this is a legitimate problem. Which she does get help for but she also finds the love that was good for her. I also didn't see coming by the way because I thought the dude was gay but....clearly not.
LIN YIYANG: This dude is a precious cinnamon roll. I mean come on what a dude. He can kick someones butt and then say a romantic line to his girlfriend. That is freaking pro I'm telling you.
You get to explore his character as well and realize that he is being a jerk because of the self blame and the blame he puts on Situ Feng. Once he forgives himself and Situ Feng for that he becomes a whole new person. He gets a job, studies, reads, stops wearing so much edgy black clothes. :)
He is really the sweetest and I did not expect to like him as much as I did.
"Whether you're Chen Qing Qing, Qingchen, or Hebiancao, I don't care. I just like you" - Situ Feng
SHIP VIDEO: (May Contain Spoilers)
Content Warning: Minor Language, Action Scenes
My Rating: A-
Character Glossary: (For Reference)
Situ Feng- The main guy
Chen Qing Qing- the main girl
Gu Nanxi- Situ Fengs best friend
Zhang FangFang- Qing Qing's BFF
Lan Xinya- Main "Antagonist"
Lin Yiyang- Resident Bad Boy
Accidentally in Love was the first Asian Drama I ever watched! My friend and I were scrolling through Netflix one day and ran into it. She clicked Play unaware of the monster that would be released in me from such a decision. :D
Accidentally In Love is about two people, the wildly popular Situ Feng and a runaway heiress Chen QingQing. They run into each other and get into some complicated moments that lead to a very antagonistic start on both of their parts.They end up at the same college where sparks and fists fly. (I say fists but she also kicked him too so that isn't entirely accurate.)

OVERALL STORY: I thought the plot for this show developed rather well. It got a lot more in depth then one would expect from this cheesy romantic comedy. It got into PTSD which fleshed out the story a lot more. You end up getting a lot of depth behind why the mean people are mean. Which I always adore! It is a sign of a good story when the author takes the time to say that they are people too. And although what they are doing sucks here is a reason why. (If you really enjoy stories with that though I'd recommend watching My ID is Gangnam Beauty the review will be up for that soon if you want to wait for that) I thought that the whole pretending to be engaged plot point at the beginning was going to turn into more but it never did. Which was disappointing at first but I liked where they went with the story instead. I'm really glad that there wasn't a major love triangle in this although two guys liked her. Also the three different identities she assumed in the story was fun too. Having to see her hide it and use it in order to take revenge on Situ Feng is hilarious.
MAIN COUPLE: To say that they are cute is an understatement. I just love how sweet Situ Feng is in relation to Qing Qing. He is worried when she is sick and will literally go to the point of dressing like a girl in order to sneak into her dorm and make sure she is okay. (Which doesn't turn out too well for him mind you but it's the thought that counts.) He is also fiercely protective and when she gets kidnapped he does not just sit back but goes out and fights for her. (In admittedly one of the worst fight scenes I have ever seen but I digress.) She is also super amazing in this relationship. She understands his terror of the water and willingly steps in so that he doesn't have to deal with it. When he is told he has to go into the water for a movie she steps in as his stunt double so that he doesn't have to go through it. However when the time comes later on for him to face his fear she is ready and willing to help. And it works. (It is also one of my favorite sequences ever) She helps him get past that PTSD and forgive himself. It is a pretty incredible relationship.
SECONDARY COUPLE: I nearly love this relationship as much as the main one. Fang Fang is a shyer more keep to herself kind of person. But she is also sweet and friendly. She catches the eye of Lin Yiyang who (if you read above) is the bad boy of the college. He is in charge of his own gang and is not afraid to get his hands dirty. He is also a precious cinnamon roll but that is besides the point. They start off kind of rocky as well with her getting accidentally involved in a kidnapping along with her getting injured because of him. He also actively goes after her best friend and tries to punish her which doesn't do him any favors. However he becomes protective of her and fights off creepy dudes and jealous girls. As he slowly puts away his hate and lets himself open up to her they really are the sweetest.
OTHER COUPLES: One other couple that becomes more important later is between Xinya and this really sweet dude. The funny thing about this couple is that I thought the guy was gay for the longest time but then he showed interest in Xinya and then I knew I was wrong. They were super cute though. He gave her the support and love she was seeking. He also was there for her when she needed him. Although she was still mean by the end he did take her edge off.
SITU FENG: This dude is great boyfriend material. As explained in the "Main Couple" Section he is protective, sweet, and sensitive. He is also a fabulous singer (Go listen to the album on Youtube when you have the chance. Star is my personal favorite but they are all gorgeous) It is fun to see the icy exterior he builds up fall away as the show goes on. And he proves himself to be someone that would be absolutely amazing to introduce your parents (Or Grandpa) too.
CHEN QING QING: She doesn't take crap from anyone. Which is probably why she and the main dude had to end up together because he needs someone to kick the idiot out of him :) She is also a really good friend who is willing to do anything she can to help someone in need. It is no mystery why Situ Feng fell in love with her.
GU NANXI: I didn't really talk about him much in the reviews above but that doesn't make him any less important. He is the other side of this love triangle that isn't really a love triangle. He is the smart yet athletic dude which you don't usually get that as a mix. He first liked Qing Chen who was Chen Qing Qing's "alter ego." However when he realized they were the same people his feelings never changed. Until that is he met that girl in the last episode and he thankfully had a happy ending. This guy is an all around likeable person. And sometimes he was the only smart one so bless his soul.
ZHANG FANG FANG: She is probably the one I related to most in the show because I am very similar to her. She is shy yet she can be "loud" when needed. (haha like when she caught Situ Feng sneaking into the girls dorm #neverforget) She is super sweet and although there is no doubt she can hold her own it is nice when she gets the protection of those around her. She is the epitome of best friend ideals.
LAN XINYA: I didn't talk about her either in anything previously. She is the resident "mean girl" and does everything she can to upstage Chen Qing Qing. Just your typical jerk girl who is popular and good looking. However we end up finding out later that there is a little more to her character. She is naive and is desperately seeking approval and love. She lost her sister and clung to Situ Feng as kind of her life raft. There is a point (well multiple I guess) where she is convinced to attempt suicide in order to get Situ Feng's attention. This is when it is realized that she doesn't just have the normal petty feelings, this is a legitimate problem. Which she does get help for but she also finds the love that was good for her. I also didn't see coming by the way because I thought the dude was gay but....clearly not.
LIN YIYANG: This dude is a precious cinnamon roll. I mean come on what a dude. He can kick someones butt and then say a romantic line to his girlfriend. That is freaking pro I'm telling you.
You get to explore his character as well and realize that he is being a jerk because of the self blame and the blame he puts on Situ Feng. Once he forgives himself and Situ Feng for that he becomes a whole new person. He gets a job, studies, reads, stops wearing so much edgy black clothes. :)
He is really the sweetest and I did not expect to like him as much as I did.
"Whether you're Chen Qing Qing, Qingchen, or Hebiancao, I don't care. I just like you" - Situ Feng
SHIP VIDEO: (May Contain Spoilers)
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