My Love from the Star
My Love from the Star (Available on Viki)
Content Warning: Language and Violence
My Rating: D

Character Glossary:
Cheon Song-yi: Main Character/ Actress
Do Min-Joon: Main Character/ Alien
Lee Jae- kyung: Villain/ Heir to a company
Lee Hee- kyung: Song yi's best friend.
Yoo Se-mi: Another Actress
Cheon Yoon- Jae: Song yi's brother
My Love from A Star is about a spoiled A list actress who encounters a man who is not stunned by her fame.... a man who just happens to be an alien. When Cheon Song-yi is accused of murder the two are pushed together despite their instant disliking they've taken to each other. As time goes on both hearts soften but the knowledge that both of them possess puts them in danger. Will they be able to protect each other from the threat? And will they be able to stay together when Do Min Joon can only survive on Earth for another few months?
OVERALL STORY: I feel really bad for not enjoying this drama. I know it is super popular and a lot of people loved it but overall it just didn't do it for me. I liked it a lot at the beginning I thought it had a lot of potential and a great plot ahead of it but then it just....fell flat. I want to start with the fact that he is an ALIEN. And yet we know nothing about his planet or anything! Maybe it is because I've watched things like Star Trek and Doctor Who but when I hear things about aliens I want to know a little more about the culture! I think it would've added a whole layer to the show to just have been able to have Do Min Joon talk about it! Did he even miss home at all? I could go on and on about the things I want to know in that area but I'm going to switch over to another topic. After a while the characters themselves became really dull (excluding Cheon Yoon-Jae cause he was THE BEST. ) and I didn't particularly care about what happened to them. I also did not like the whole serial killer plot because it could have been amazing and yet they ruined it! The serial killer dude was promising and yet when it had built up all this suspense and stuff it just.... ended. Lastly I am going to talk about the ending of the show. He suddenly showed back up which made no sense in the first place because didn't he leave with his people? But he talked about going through a wormhole so I guess that makes sense but like he just appears and disappears....I don't know it was just a really odd ending. I guess my final opinion is that while this show did have it's good elements (the brother, pieces of the romance, aliens in general) I did not enjoy it as much as I thought I would. However I do not dissuade you from trying it if it has been recommended to you or if it just sounds interesting. The show has a lot of potential and for some people that might be enough.
MAIN COUPLE: I like a romance that makes me feel like it is constantly getting deeper and more meaningful. That it is actually MOVING THE HECK ALONG. At first it was cute their interactions with each other were sweet and I was excited to see how they developed. One moment of theirs that I adored was when the paparazzi were swarming her car and she was freaking out. She didn't know what to do but he came and got rid of them like a total pro. It was impressive and I definitely swooned. But then their upward progression stopped and stagnated. Do Min Joon kept pushing her away all the way up to about episode 16 (There are 21 episodes total.) and then they got together and were happy for all of like one episode before there was MORE DRAMA because he had to leave earth. But he couldn't even tell her that if he stayed he would have died. How were they not at that trusted stage yet? I get that he didn't want to hurt her but how stupid do you have to be to not know that it will hurt her worse in the long run? I literally had to stop watching for a while because I was so annoyed. I am no stranger to drama. My favorite show Meteor Garden has so much drama it is not even funny but the fact is I never felt like they stagnated as a couple. Even though they did struggle and in some cases pushed each other away they still had moments before that, that got them through as a couple. This couple did not have that. By the time we got to their we are going to be together I just wasn't feeling it. It just seemed a little unrealistic because it had no solid backing. I could go on and on but needless to say I did not like them. (But they were the best couple in the show so take that how you will.)
CHEON SONG-YI: The actress who played her also played the main girl in Legend of the Blue Sea and I liked her a lot better in that. She did well with what she was given but as a character I really stopped liking her after a while. She seemed just ehh and I stopped really caring what happened to her. But for the beginning of the show I will say that seeing her become less spoiled and discovering things about her life was good for her. It did make her a better person so she did grow as a character throughout the show.
DO MIN-JOON: WHAT KIND OF IDIOT MAKES A DEAL WITH A SERIAL KILLER AND THINKS THAT THE SERIAL KILLER WILL ACTUALLY KEEP UP HIS END OF THE BARGAIN?! I have never been so frustrated with a character in all my life. With Cheon Song-yi's life on the line he goes to the serial killer and asks him to spare her and in return Do Min Joon will take credit for all of the serial killers crimes giving him a clean slate. Which is a good offer I guess but like would any self serving criminal really want to leave someone alive who knows something that could destroy him? No. I just want to know what got into Do Min Joon's head that made him think that was even a viable plan. It failed anyway but like it created a whole lot of unnecessary crap. Because of that it ruined this character for me. Originally I had like him. He was funny and blunt where we needed that sort of character but then, like the rest of this freaking show, he just stopped. I think my impatience from him also does come from the fact that not long ago I finished Blood which had a main character who was actually intelligent. That does ruin you for the other shows with characters that are idiots just to cause problems. And I can't help comparing him to Kim Shin from Guardian: The Lonely and Great God because I felt like they were similar except Kim Shin did what Do Min Joon should have. To be fair there are different circumstances but like Do Min Joon seemed unprepared for everything! 400 years on the Earth and he doesn't have any people (excluding Lawyer Jang but like he doesn't seem to care much for that relationship so... jerk.) to help back him up. But I digress I could complain about him forever.
LEE JAE-KYUNG: He had such potential to be a good villain. The show even started to build him up that way but (And I think you're going to see a pattern here.) it just didn't work out that way. He didn't even have a fighting chance against Do Min Joon and although he did try to do what the dude in Strong Girl Bong Soon did (basically get the main character with powers to harm or kill them or someone else in order to lose or lessen their powers.) but that did not work out. Then with a little effort on everyone else's he was captured and sent to jail. I expected a dramatic escape and then they would get him or kill him but no they couldn't lose their streak of making this show as crappy as possible. I think the most interesting thing about him is how he could explain those deaths. He had no remorse and even after his crimes were exposed he still tried to convince his father that he wouldn't do that. It is a little sad but I mean I guess he got what he deserved.
LEE HEE-KYUNG: Ah and let's say hello to our resident "I am not going to give up on the girl because I love her even though she has rejected me even though I should really get a move on with my life so that I could actually reach my full potential as a character." He had some really cool moments like when he was figuring out that his brother was a crazy serial killer. But I thought that he had a lot of untapped potential. I mean if he could just get over Cheon Song yi and start to live life for himself he could have been so cool! He had a life and I just wish he would have really lived it.
YOO SE-MI: She wasn't very critical to the show but I do want to talk about her a bit as a person. She had one of the deeper backstories and I thought that although her insecurities were causing everyone else and herself pain I did understand them. I can get how hard it would be to be the best friend of someone who makes you feel like you will never be as good as them. (I should note that I have no best friends who make me feel this way so don't misinterpret this. However I do know how it feels to compare myself to other people.) Unfortunately although it did promise to see a little growth for her we never got the growth we deserve. I do want to note though that she did get over her crush which was the best thing ever because she deserved better than to be with a guy who has his heart stuck on someone else.
CHEON YOON-JAE: HE WAS MY FAVORITE CHARACTER FREAKING EVER AND HE MADE THIS SHOW BEARABLE. Sometimes he was so me. Like he was obsessed with E.T. (Which I am NOT so don't misunderstand.) so when he found out that Do Min Joon was an alien he stuck out his finger and he's like let's do the E.T. thing. And he was so excited when Do Min Joon did it and it was the first thing that made me laugh in that show after forever. I loved his character because his character, although minor, he didn't stagnate like the others. I wish he had gotten more screen time.
"Before holding grudges against people around you for not taking your side, think about why you haven't been able to make them stand on your side." - Do Min Joon
SHIP VIDEO: (May Contain Spoilers)
Content Warning: Language and Violence
My Rating: D

Character Glossary:
Cheon Song-yi: Main Character/ Actress
Do Min-Joon: Main Character/ Alien
Lee Jae- kyung: Villain/ Heir to a company
Lee Hee- kyung: Song yi's best friend.
Yoo Se-mi: Another Actress
Cheon Yoon- Jae: Song yi's brother
My Love from A Star is about a spoiled A list actress who encounters a man who is not stunned by her fame.... a man who just happens to be an alien. When Cheon Song-yi is accused of murder the two are pushed together despite their instant disliking they've taken to each other. As time goes on both hearts soften but the knowledge that both of them possess puts them in danger. Will they be able to protect each other from the threat? And will they be able to stay together when Do Min Joon can only survive on Earth for another few months?
OVERALL STORY: I feel really bad for not enjoying this drama. I know it is super popular and a lot of people loved it but overall it just didn't do it for me. I liked it a lot at the beginning I thought it had a lot of potential and a great plot ahead of it but then it just....fell flat. I want to start with the fact that he is an ALIEN. And yet we know nothing about his planet or anything! Maybe it is because I've watched things like Star Trek and Doctor Who but when I hear things about aliens I want to know a little more about the culture! I think it would've added a whole layer to the show to just have been able to have Do Min Joon talk about it! Did he even miss home at all? I could go on and on about the things I want to know in that area but I'm going to switch over to another topic. After a while the characters themselves became really dull (excluding Cheon Yoon-Jae cause he was THE BEST. ) and I didn't particularly care about what happened to them. I also did not like the whole serial killer plot because it could have been amazing and yet they ruined it! The serial killer dude was promising and yet when it had built up all this suspense and stuff it just.... ended. Lastly I am going to talk about the ending of the show. He suddenly showed back up which made no sense in the first place because didn't he leave with his people? But he talked about going through a wormhole so I guess that makes sense but like he just appears and disappears....I don't know it was just a really odd ending. I guess my final opinion is that while this show did have it's good elements (the brother, pieces of the romance, aliens in general) I did not enjoy it as much as I thought I would. However I do not dissuade you from trying it if it has been recommended to you or if it just sounds interesting. The show has a lot of potential and for some people that might be enough.
MAIN COUPLE: I like a romance that makes me feel like it is constantly getting deeper and more meaningful. That it is actually MOVING THE HECK ALONG. At first it was cute their interactions with each other were sweet and I was excited to see how they developed. One moment of theirs that I adored was when the paparazzi were swarming her car and she was freaking out. She didn't know what to do but he came and got rid of them like a total pro. It was impressive and I definitely swooned. But then their upward progression stopped and stagnated. Do Min Joon kept pushing her away all the way up to about episode 16 (There are 21 episodes total.) and then they got together and were happy for all of like one episode before there was MORE DRAMA because he had to leave earth. But he couldn't even tell her that if he stayed he would have died. How were they not at that trusted stage yet? I get that he didn't want to hurt her but how stupid do you have to be to not know that it will hurt her worse in the long run? I literally had to stop watching for a while because I was so annoyed. I am no stranger to drama. My favorite show Meteor Garden has so much drama it is not even funny but the fact is I never felt like they stagnated as a couple. Even though they did struggle and in some cases pushed each other away they still had moments before that, that got them through as a couple. This couple did not have that. By the time we got to their we are going to be together I just wasn't feeling it. It just seemed a little unrealistic because it had no solid backing. I could go on and on but needless to say I did not like them. (But they were the best couple in the show so take that how you will.)
CHEON SONG-YI: The actress who played her also played the main girl in Legend of the Blue Sea and I liked her a lot better in that. She did well with what she was given but as a character I really stopped liking her after a while. She seemed just ehh and I stopped really caring what happened to her. But for the beginning of the show I will say that seeing her become less spoiled and discovering things about her life was good for her. It did make her a better person so she did grow as a character throughout the show.
DO MIN-JOON: WHAT KIND OF IDIOT MAKES A DEAL WITH A SERIAL KILLER AND THINKS THAT THE SERIAL KILLER WILL ACTUALLY KEEP UP HIS END OF THE BARGAIN?! I have never been so frustrated with a character in all my life. With Cheon Song-yi's life on the line he goes to the serial killer and asks him to spare her and in return Do Min Joon will take credit for all of the serial killers crimes giving him a clean slate. Which is a good offer I guess but like would any self serving criminal really want to leave someone alive who knows something that could destroy him? No. I just want to know what got into Do Min Joon's head that made him think that was even a viable plan. It failed anyway but like it created a whole lot of unnecessary crap. Because of that it ruined this character for me. Originally I had like him. He was funny and blunt where we needed that sort of character but then, like the rest of this freaking show, he just stopped. I think my impatience from him also does come from the fact that not long ago I finished Blood which had a main character who was actually intelligent. That does ruin you for the other shows with characters that are idiots just to cause problems. And I can't help comparing him to Kim Shin from Guardian: The Lonely and Great God because I felt like they were similar except Kim Shin did what Do Min Joon should have. To be fair there are different circumstances but like Do Min Joon seemed unprepared for everything! 400 years on the Earth and he doesn't have any people (excluding Lawyer Jang but like he doesn't seem to care much for that relationship so... jerk.) to help back him up. But I digress I could complain about him forever.
LEE JAE-KYUNG: He had such potential to be a good villain. The show even started to build him up that way but (And I think you're going to see a pattern here.) it just didn't work out that way. He didn't even have a fighting chance against Do Min Joon and although he did try to do what the dude in Strong Girl Bong Soon did (basically get the main character with powers to harm or kill them or someone else in order to lose or lessen their powers.) but that did not work out. Then with a little effort on everyone else's he was captured and sent to jail. I expected a dramatic escape and then they would get him or kill him but no they couldn't lose their streak of making this show as crappy as possible. I think the most interesting thing about him is how he could explain those deaths. He had no remorse and even after his crimes were exposed he still tried to convince his father that he wouldn't do that. It is a little sad but I mean I guess he got what he deserved.
LEE HEE-KYUNG: Ah and let's say hello to our resident "I am not going to give up on the girl because I love her even though she has rejected me even though I should really get a move on with my life so that I could actually reach my full potential as a character." He had some really cool moments like when he was figuring out that his brother was a crazy serial killer. But I thought that he had a lot of untapped potential. I mean if he could just get over Cheon Song yi and start to live life for himself he could have been so cool! He had a life and I just wish he would have really lived it.
YOO SE-MI: She wasn't very critical to the show but I do want to talk about her a bit as a person. She had one of the deeper backstories and I thought that although her insecurities were causing everyone else and herself pain I did understand them. I can get how hard it would be to be the best friend of someone who makes you feel like you will never be as good as them. (I should note that I have no best friends who make me feel this way so don't misinterpret this. However I do know how it feels to compare myself to other people.) Unfortunately although it did promise to see a little growth for her we never got the growth we deserve. I do want to note though that she did get over her crush which was the best thing ever because she deserved better than to be with a guy who has his heart stuck on someone else.
CHEON YOON-JAE: HE WAS MY FAVORITE CHARACTER FREAKING EVER AND HE MADE THIS SHOW BEARABLE. Sometimes he was so me. Like he was obsessed with E.T. (Which I am NOT so don't misunderstand.) so when he found out that Do Min Joon was an alien he stuck out his finger and he's like let's do the E.T. thing. And he was so excited when Do Min Joon did it and it was the first thing that made me laugh in that show after forever. I loved his character because his character, although minor, he didn't stagnate like the others. I wish he had gotten more screen time.
"Before holding grudges against people around you for not taking your side, think about why you haven't been able to make them stand on your side." - Do Min Joon
SHIP VIDEO: (May Contain Spoilers)
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