Master's Sun
Master's Sun (Available on Viki)
Content: Language and Frightening Imagery
My Rating: B-
Characters Glossary:
Tae Gong Shil: Main Girl
Joo Joong Won: CEO
Kang Woo: Main Security dude
Secretary Kim: Secretary to CEO

Master's Sun is about a girl named Tae Gong Shil who has the ability to see ghosts. She hasn't been able to live a normal life because the ghosts constantly are asking her for favors and following her around. That all changes one rainy night when she hitchhikes into the car of a wealthy CEO. She accidentally touches him and the ghosts disappear. After discovering this she continues to cling on to him in order to avoid her ghostly companions. Even though he initially tries to push her away he decides to use her ability to help him communicate with someone from his past. As they work together to solve mysteries and help the ghosts find peace they grow closer together. But with both mortal and supernatural forces at work can they get together?
OVERALL STORY: The show was very episodic at first. While there was still an overarching story each episode seemed to focus on a different ghostly experience or problem. To be entirely honest with you I liked the story best that way. It reminded me of the early seasons of Supernatural which means less drama. And Master's Sun was scarier and more enjoyable that way. However that is not to say that the bigger and longer plot points weren't good and well written. The biggest thing was the death of Cha Hee Joo who was the first girl that Joo Joong Won loved. She is also the one who aided in his kidnapping so obviously they have some unresolved issues. But the problem is she is dead. We end up finding out a lot about her though and it wasn't as simple as we are lead to believe. Cha Hee Joo had a twin sister named Ha Na Brown. The one he knew was Ha Na but she said she was Cha Hee Joo…. for some reason. This whole thing was a little confusing but whatever. Long story short when Ha Na died Cha Hee Joo said she was Ha Na and has been following Joo Joong Won around like a creeper. I think they could have developed this whole thing earlier because it is annoyingly confusing. I think it could have been better because so much was happening at once. I mean this random guy also showed up who could see ghosts and he just seemed to out there, ya know? Like why did we not even get a hint of him before? This is probably making it sound like an awful show but overall it is really not. Yes there are some things about it that irk me to no end but I recommend if it sounds interesting give it a chance. Oh I almost forgot there is also this one moment when he died which I got serious Supernatural and Vampire Diaries vibes because they had to do this weird séance thing. (Note: There is a lot I've left out just because there is so much I could talk about but not enough space.
MAIN COUPLE: They were actually pretty cute once they both admitted there feelings for each other. Which didn't happen until the end but it was still cute when he was the one who admitted he loved her. He was super sweet to her and understanding about how she lived and the ghosts she interacted with. He was willing to die for her and change for her. She was super cute with him to when she was lowkey and not so lowkey flirting with him. She was also so desperate to get away from ghosts that she braved his temper and never let go of him. (Well she did for a while but that's not important.) They had great chemistry and I loved their interactions. My favorite moments were in the last episode though because there was no drama keeping them apart. They openly flirted and openly accepted each other. I couldn't stop smiling. It was so nice to see them have a happy ending.
OTHER COUPLES: There were two other couples in this show. There was one between Kang Woo and this actress girl. I shipped them pretty hard at first but then she was such a brat. I did not like Kang Woo all the time but I didn't think he deserved to end up with someone like her. But she did change and so did he. By the end they were actually really sweet and I liked them being together. They actually worked and I'm glad they ended up together. Kang Woo seriously needed to move on. The second couple was one of my favorite parts of the show actually. The guy was part of the security team who had been ordered to watch and report on Tae Gong Shil and as a result got involved with her sister. He was freaking hilarious and had this annoyingly contagious laugh. Once it got closer to the end they really hit it off. I loved their flirting and the first kiss was pretty legit too. I wish we had gotten more of them but I'm pretty happy with the moments we got.
TAE GONG SHIL: I liked her for like the first ten episodes then she bugged me but by the end she was normal again so I liked her. She was really funny because her actions were so outrageously endearing. I liked how good of a heart she has where she continually helps ghosts who are in desperate need of someone to help them move on. The dead also helped her save the living. She was always willing to help others and be a friend. The part where I didn't like her was right after Joo Joong Won came back from the dead and remembered her. She pushed him away and was super mean to him. I thought that it was really annoying and overall pretty unnecessary. In those parts I felt like she really lost the core of who she was. Everything that made her, her was dimmed. I get the whole finding yourself and trying to distance yourself from the whole ghost thing but in the end it didn't even matter!
JOO JOONG WON: I originally didn't like him much in the beginning. He was undeniably rude and heartless to people and I was not excited about him being the main dude. But by the end of the show he was one of my absolute favorites! At first he hid his feelings but as the show went on he was far more willing to laugh and show how he really felt. And his relationship with that ghost dude on the bench was one of my favorite things! Like most jerk dudes he went through a lot of growth to become a main guy we can all support. He fought for what he wanted and was actually intelligent. There are a lot of guys in Asian dramas who are just idiots (*cough* *cough* the main dude from My Love from a Star) and this guy had a pretty good head on his shoulders. He's at his very best when he works both with his head and heart though. Overall though he was really amazing.
KANG WOO: 95% of the time this guy annoyed the crap out of me. Not because he wasn't a good person but his bluntness and his unwillingness to move on bugged me. I respect fighting for what you want but I think it is also healthy and good for him to respect her choice and also let himself live a little. She was not going to like him the way he liked her and I wished he had enough respect for himself and her to let her go. He can protect her all he wants but his unwillingness to move on got really annoying. (Note: He does move on by the last couple of episodes but it feels like it lasted forever.) Also how did he not get fired within the first like five episodes of the show?! He would literally ask questions about things he had no business knowing. And no one was like excuse me how is it any of your problem? He kept butting into everything. I know I sound like I really hated him but he was actually an alright guy. And he did have some really hilarious moments.
SECRETARY KIM: This guy was one of the freaking best parts of the show. He totally shipped the main couple and actively did things to make them fall in love. He is the whole reason they are together. He also was the most intelligent person ever cause he was so done with everyone's crap. If you watch the show his reactions are my reactions so pay attention to him and it will be like I am practically watching the show with you. I'm telling the honest truth. Anytime I would react to anything he was reacting the same way I was.
"When your heart doesn't tell the truth, pain gives an answer." - Master's Sun
"Why should I be afraid of the dead? The living are scarier." - Joo Joong Won
"If you choose love you won't be lonely."
SHIP VIDEO (May Contain Spoilers):
Content: Language and Frightening Imagery
My Rating: B-
Characters Glossary:
Tae Gong Shil: Main Girl
Joo Joong Won: CEO
Kang Woo: Main Security dude
Secretary Kim: Secretary to CEO

Master's Sun is about a girl named Tae Gong Shil who has the ability to see ghosts. She hasn't been able to live a normal life because the ghosts constantly are asking her for favors and following her around. That all changes one rainy night when she hitchhikes into the car of a wealthy CEO. She accidentally touches him and the ghosts disappear. After discovering this she continues to cling on to him in order to avoid her ghostly companions. Even though he initially tries to push her away he decides to use her ability to help him communicate with someone from his past. As they work together to solve mysteries and help the ghosts find peace they grow closer together. But with both mortal and supernatural forces at work can they get together?
OVERALL STORY: The show was very episodic at first. While there was still an overarching story each episode seemed to focus on a different ghostly experience or problem. To be entirely honest with you I liked the story best that way. It reminded me of the early seasons of Supernatural which means less drama. And Master's Sun was scarier and more enjoyable that way. However that is not to say that the bigger and longer plot points weren't good and well written. The biggest thing was the death of Cha Hee Joo who was the first girl that Joo Joong Won loved. She is also the one who aided in his kidnapping so obviously they have some unresolved issues. But the problem is she is dead. We end up finding out a lot about her though and it wasn't as simple as we are lead to believe. Cha Hee Joo had a twin sister named Ha Na Brown. The one he knew was Ha Na but she said she was Cha Hee Joo…. for some reason. This whole thing was a little confusing but whatever. Long story short when Ha Na died Cha Hee Joo said she was Ha Na and has been following Joo Joong Won around like a creeper. I think they could have developed this whole thing earlier because it is annoyingly confusing. I think it could have been better because so much was happening at once. I mean this random guy also showed up who could see ghosts and he just seemed to out there, ya know? Like why did we not even get a hint of him before? This is probably making it sound like an awful show but overall it is really not. Yes there are some things about it that irk me to no end but I recommend if it sounds interesting give it a chance. Oh I almost forgot there is also this one moment when he died which I got serious Supernatural and Vampire Diaries vibes because they had to do this weird séance thing. (Note: There is a lot I've left out just because there is so much I could talk about but not enough space.
MAIN COUPLE: They were actually pretty cute once they both admitted there feelings for each other. Which didn't happen until the end but it was still cute when he was the one who admitted he loved her. He was super sweet to her and understanding about how she lived and the ghosts she interacted with. He was willing to die for her and change for her. She was super cute with him to when she was lowkey and not so lowkey flirting with him. She was also so desperate to get away from ghosts that she braved his temper and never let go of him. (Well she did for a while but that's not important.) They had great chemistry and I loved their interactions. My favorite moments were in the last episode though because there was no drama keeping them apart. They openly flirted and openly accepted each other. I couldn't stop smiling. It was so nice to see them have a happy ending.
OTHER COUPLES: There were two other couples in this show. There was one between Kang Woo and this actress girl. I shipped them pretty hard at first but then she was such a brat. I did not like Kang Woo all the time but I didn't think he deserved to end up with someone like her. But she did change and so did he. By the end they were actually really sweet and I liked them being together. They actually worked and I'm glad they ended up together. Kang Woo seriously needed to move on. The second couple was one of my favorite parts of the show actually. The guy was part of the security team who had been ordered to watch and report on Tae Gong Shil and as a result got involved with her sister. He was freaking hilarious and had this annoyingly contagious laugh. Once it got closer to the end they really hit it off. I loved their flirting and the first kiss was pretty legit too. I wish we had gotten more of them but I'm pretty happy with the moments we got.
TAE GONG SHIL: I liked her for like the first ten episodes then she bugged me but by the end she was normal again so I liked her. She was really funny because her actions were so outrageously endearing. I liked how good of a heart she has where she continually helps ghosts who are in desperate need of someone to help them move on. The dead also helped her save the living. She was always willing to help others and be a friend. The part where I didn't like her was right after Joo Joong Won came back from the dead and remembered her. She pushed him away and was super mean to him. I thought that it was really annoying and overall pretty unnecessary. In those parts I felt like she really lost the core of who she was. Everything that made her, her was dimmed. I get the whole finding yourself and trying to distance yourself from the whole ghost thing but in the end it didn't even matter!
JOO JOONG WON: I originally didn't like him much in the beginning. He was undeniably rude and heartless to people and I was not excited about him being the main dude. But by the end of the show he was one of my absolute favorites! At first he hid his feelings but as the show went on he was far more willing to laugh and show how he really felt. And his relationship with that ghost dude on the bench was one of my favorite things! Like most jerk dudes he went through a lot of growth to become a main guy we can all support. He fought for what he wanted and was actually intelligent. There are a lot of guys in Asian dramas who are just idiots (*cough* *cough* the main dude from My Love from a Star) and this guy had a pretty good head on his shoulders. He's at his very best when he works both with his head and heart though. Overall though he was really amazing.
KANG WOO: 95% of the time this guy annoyed the crap out of me. Not because he wasn't a good person but his bluntness and his unwillingness to move on bugged me. I respect fighting for what you want but I think it is also healthy and good for him to respect her choice and also let himself live a little. She was not going to like him the way he liked her and I wished he had enough respect for himself and her to let her go. He can protect her all he wants but his unwillingness to move on got really annoying. (Note: He does move on by the last couple of episodes but it feels like it lasted forever.) Also how did he not get fired within the first like five episodes of the show?! He would literally ask questions about things he had no business knowing. And no one was like excuse me how is it any of your problem? He kept butting into everything. I know I sound like I really hated him but he was actually an alright guy. And he did have some really hilarious moments.
SECRETARY KIM: This guy was one of the freaking best parts of the show. He totally shipped the main couple and actively did things to make them fall in love. He is the whole reason they are together. He also was the most intelligent person ever cause he was so done with everyone's crap. If you watch the show his reactions are my reactions so pay attention to him and it will be like I am practically watching the show with you. I'm telling the honest truth. Anytime I would react to anything he was reacting the same way I was.
"When your heart doesn't tell the truth, pain gives an answer." - Master's Sun
"Why should I be afraid of the dead? The living are scarier." - Joo Joong Won
"If you choose love you won't be lonely."
SHIP VIDEO (May Contain Spoilers):
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