Go Go Squid
Go Go Squid (Available on Viki)
Content: Clean with very few if at all mature scenes (If you are wanting to watch this with your kids I would suggest some caution as there are a few more mature things talked about but overall it is a clean show)
My Rating: A
Character Glossary:
Tong Nian: Main Character/ Singer
Han Shangyan: Love Interest/ Boss of a CTF company
Mi Shaofei: Past CTF player, Current CTF managaer
Yaya: Tong Nian's Best friend
CTF is a type of problem solving cyber security competition (If you want the full definition look it up on Google.)
Go Go Squid is a show about a girl named Tong Nian who one night is working at her extended family's internet café and a guy walks in. She is immediately smitten with him (Who could blame her ? He's pretty cute.) and is determined to find him again after he leaves the café. She ends up discovering that he is a famous CTF past player and current boss of the company K&K. As she runs into him more and more the crush she has on him becomes deeper.... on both sides. Can they push past all of the outside pressure as well as the social pressure to find their own happy ending? Or will they let others come between them?
OVERALL STORY: I really adored this show. The longest show I have ever watched is Meteor Garden at 49 episodes. This one was 41 and I really worried about how it would develop just because of the fact that a story can be entirely ruined but not in this case! If you are looking for a light, cute, and funny romance definitely look into watching this one. If you are into the online gaming shows like Love O2O than also look into this one. So I really did like the development of this plot. The growth of the characters was really great to watch because I loved them all so much. Especially the boys from K&K who were like the best ship support team EVER. And each of them had such unique stories and personalities. I really did grow to like the whole CTF group and I might one day look into watching an actual competition. You can't help but love all the characters you meet and the way the story is fleshed out. In the beginning I was not particularly fond of the whole flashbacks to the Team Solo plot line but it grew on me eventually. Actually once I got to know all of the characters and started to care about them more that is when I began to like the flashbacks. But overall I really did like the story and I thought it progressed rather well. I would definitely buy this one.
MAIN COUPLE: OH MY HEAVENS THESE TWO WERE SOOOO CUTE. Okay if you know me at all then you know I have a thing for cold, distant guys. (Note: I do not think I'd enjoy this kind of guy in reality but in drama's I really love seeing them "melt" for the girl they like.) While I wouldn't really describe Han Shangyan as cold he is more guarded. I didn't expect these two to work at first. I mean she seemed kind of ridiculously stupid (Not in a bad way just like socially embarrassing.) and I didn't know how they would work together. It was kind of like Yue Qin from Miss In Kiss for the first couple of episodes. Which is not a bad thing mind you. But I digress. It turns out she is super smart and is a strong woman in her own right. Which is why it is of no surprise that he falls for her. She supports him and cares about him even though he can be difficult and stubborn. And she helps him to relax and taught him how to love someone like that. They were a really cute couple and seeing her be the one to make him smile was super great too. I loved the ending with the marriage proposal and I wish I could describe some of their moments but there are so many to choose from. If this sounds even a little interesting to you please look into watching it because the romance definitely makes it worth it. Oh I did forget to add that they do have a major breakup in this show because of her stupid mom (who I liked now mind you) who basically went to Han Shangyan and told him he wasn't good enough for her daughter which is prejudiced and rude because she didn't even understand the whole situation. They do breakup another time earlier but I don't count that one so much because it was kind of hilarious.
OTHER COUPLES: Okay so there were technically two other couples in this show. The first one is between Mi Shaofei and Yaya. And I really wish they had gotten more screen time because what little we see is freaking adorable. I mean she is his super hardcore fan and seeing her and his relationship change from idol/fan to boyfriend/girlfriend was the greatest. However like I mentioned above they don't get a lot of screen time so if you are anything like me you might feel left wanting as far as their relationship goes. The second one I don't even know if I'd call it a relationship because I don't know what the heck was going on is between them anyways even by the end of the show. It is between Han Shanyan's cousin and the girl who was on Team Solo. Everyone knew that Wu Bai (the cousin) liked her but nothing really ever happened. Even at the end they are just like exchanging knowing glances and I'm like what the heck is that even supposed to mean! They definitely needed more scenes because I am curious about where their budding relationship is going to go.
SHIP VIDEO (May Contain Spoilers):
Content: Clean with very few if at all mature scenes (If you are wanting to watch this with your kids I would suggest some caution as there are a few more mature things talked about but overall it is a clean show)
My Rating: A
Character Glossary:
Tong Nian: Main Character/ Singer
Han Shangyan: Love Interest/ Boss of a CTF company
Mi Shaofei: Past CTF player, Current CTF managaer
Yaya: Tong Nian's Best friend

Go Go Squid is a show about a girl named Tong Nian who one night is working at her extended family's internet café and a guy walks in. She is immediately smitten with him (Who could blame her ? He's pretty cute.) and is determined to find him again after he leaves the café. She ends up discovering that he is a famous CTF past player and current boss of the company K&K. As she runs into him more and more the crush she has on him becomes deeper.... on both sides. Can they push past all of the outside pressure as well as the social pressure to find their own happy ending? Or will they let others come between them?
OVERALL STORY: I really adored this show. The longest show I have ever watched is Meteor Garden at 49 episodes. This one was 41 and I really worried about how it would develop just because of the fact that a story can be entirely ruined but not in this case! If you are looking for a light, cute, and funny romance definitely look into watching this one. If you are into the online gaming shows like Love O2O than also look into this one. So I really did like the development of this plot. The growth of the characters was really great to watch because I loved them all so much. Especially the boys from K&K who were like the best ship support team EVER. And each of them had such unique stories and personalities. I really did grow to like the whole CTF group and I might one day look into watching an actual competition. You can't help but love all the characters you meet and the way the story is fleshed out. In the beginning I was not particularly fond of the whole flashbacks to the Team Solo plot line but it grew on me eventually. Actually once I got to know all of the characters and started to care about them more that is when I began to like the flashbacks. But overall I really did like the story and I thought it progressed rather well. I would definitely buy this one.
MAIN COUPLE: OH MY HEAVENS THESE TWO WERE SOOOO CUTE. Okay if you know me at all then you know I have a thing for cold, distant guys. (Note: I do not think I'd enjoy this kind of guy in reality but in drama's I really love seeing them "melt" for the girl they like.) While I wouldn't really describe Han Shangyan as cold he is more guarded. I didn't expect these two to work at first. I mean she seemed kind of ridiculously stupid (Not in a bad way just like socially embarrassing.) and I didn't know how they would work together. It was kind of like Yue Qin from Miss In Kiss for the first couple of episodes. Which is not a bad thing mind you. But I digress. It turns out she is super smart and is a strong woman in her own right. Which is why it is of no surprise that he falls for her. She supports him and cares about him even though he can be difficult and stubborn. And she helps him to relax and taught him how to love someone like that. They were a really cute couple and seeing her be the one to make him smile was super great too. I loved the ending with the marriage proposal and I wish I could describe some of their moments but there are so many to choose from. If this sounds even a little interesting to you please look into watching it because the romance definitely makes it worth it. Oh I did forget to add that they do have a major breakup in this show because of her stupid mom (who I liked now mind you) who basically went to Han Shangyan and told him he wasn't good enough for her daughter which is prejudiced and rude because she didn't even understand the whole situation. They do breakup another time earlier but I don't count that one so much because it was kind of hilarious.
OTHER COUPLES: Okay so there were technically two other couples in this show. The first one is between Mi Shaofei and Yaya. And I really wish they had gotten more screen time because what little we see is freaking adorable. I mean she is his super hardcore fan and seeing her and his relationship change from idol/fan to boyfriend/girlfriend was the greatest. However like I mentioned above they don't get a lot of screen time so if you are anything like me you might feel left wanting as far as their relationship goes. The second one I don't even know if I'd call it a relationship because I don't know what the heck was going on is between them anyways even by the end of the show. It is between Han Shanyan's cousin and the girl who was on Team Solo. Everyone knew that Wu Bai (the cousin) liked her but nothing really ever happened. Even at the end they are just like exchanging knowing glances and I'm like what the heck is that even supposed to mean! They definitely needed more scenes because I am curious about where their budding relationship is going to go.
TONG NIAN: Like I mentioned above I thought she was a completely different character in the beginning because of the way she was originally portrayed. But as I got to know her I realized she is actually pretty smart. Although she can be silly and immature she is an amazing character. She really grew into herself in the show and had a lot of self respect. Although she liked Han Shangyan in the end she never let that take over her own self. Which I didn't expect from her but I was really happy that I got to see that. She deserved it. So overall she was a great main character and I loved her so much!
HAN SHANGYAN: Oh my heavens this guy. He had a ton of growth to go through especially in the letting himself be happy department. He loved the kids in the K&K group and supported them through everything. He slowly showed more affection for them as he became more open but seeing him silently care about them at first was kind of precious. I loved his commitment and his maturity. I wish I could spend forever listing his great qualities but unfortunately I don't have that much time. My favorite thing about him is when he smiles. I have the same thing with Daoming Si (Meteor Garden) with the whole they never smile and then once they do it is like the sun comes out. When I say it like that it sounds like a cheesy romance novel. I can't change it though cause it's true (Shout out to my friend who was with me when the entire room on our trip freaked out everytime Daoming Si smiled. You know what I'm talking about.) But Han Shangyan really does have a great smile and he smiles a lot by the end so yay for me!
MI SHAOFEI: I wasn't really sure what to think of him for the longest time because I liked him and then I was indifferent and a bit annoyed with him for the middle part of the show. (Mostly because he joined SP another CTF group but in the end it all made sense so I guess it didn't matter.) But by the end I really did love him as a character. He was the friend that everyone needed and one of the people who brought Team Solo back together. I appreciated how genuine he was and how humble he was about everything. He was an all around great guy and I loved seeing him come into himself and end up with a good future for himself with a girlfriend and CTF.
YAYA: I don't have a lot to say about her because she didn't get a ton of screen time but I loved her as a best friend. She reminded me so much of my best friends who would react much the same when if we were the ones in the show. Unfortunately we don't get a lot about her but the show would not be the same without her. She definitely helped things move along in the show and I am forever grateful for her.
HONORABLE MENTIONS: I did want to talk about two characters for a hot second because they were the greatest and deserved a little time of their own. The first is Han Shangyan's grandpa who shipped the main couple from the moment they announced they were dating (It was fake at that time mind you but that's not important.) and he got so excited about everything. Like he did so much to keep them together and I was Team Grandpa from the start cause dang he had a big hand in helping my ship sail. Another character was Tong Nian's friend Lan Mei's husband ( Basically Nian's friends husband.) who was the BIGGEST fan of Han Shangyan. Like it was the funniest thing to see him interact with his idol. Like in the last episode he literally cried because he was so excited. Although it was a small role he did it to perfection. Gah I loved these two so much.
"...Although I am older than you, there are a lot of times that I am more childish than you. I hope that in the future we can swap. You don't need to accommodate me with everything. I want you to become the center of my world. Let me take care of you, okay?" - Go Go Squid
SHIP VIDEO (May Contain Spoilers):
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