You're Beautiful
You're Beautiful (Available on Viki)
Content Warning: Language, Innuendo, and Mature Content
My Rating: B
Character Glossary:
Go Mi Nyu: Main Character/ fake boy
Hwang Tae Kyung: Lead singer of A.N.JELL.
Kang Shin Woo: Band Member
Jeremy: Band Member
Yoo He Yi: Popular Actress
You're Beautiful is about a girl who pretends to be a boy and joins an idol band. The longer version is: In order to save her brother who is having a serious surgery in the United States she takes his place and joins the popular band A.N.JELL. But she doesn't expect to lose her heart or have her worldview completely shaken up. Can she keep everything she has gained or will she let those intent on taking everything from her win?
OVERALL STORY: I want to start off by saying that I think of this show as a classic and a must watch for any Kdrama watcher. However, I did have many complaints regarding certain parts of the show. I'm going to just talk about the plot here but the rest of it will be in the various character descriptions below. For the first....75% of the show I thought that the plot developed rather well. It was realistic and well paced. But the last 25% I was not a fan of. I felt like everything we built up to was pointless up until the end of the very last episode. That's when everything came back to how the show originally flowed. This show is incredibly cheesy and pulls every single drama move in the drama world. There was a girl that tried to split them up, a jerk mother, a complicated past that could split up the main couple, and just the characters themselves. Eventually I was just sick of the characters letting everything come between them. Despite the fact that the majority of this was complaining I really did like this show. It was funny, cute, and heartwarming. So if you need a fun show to watch or a break from the dark and depressing Kdrama's like He is Psychometric or Scarlet Heart Ryeo then I highly recommend this one. There was a lot of stuff I did not go into detail about here like the whole past shared between the two main leads but I will say that, that was surprising to me. I wasn't sure how that was going to turn out but it was pretty good.
MAIN ROMANCE: When the characters weren't letting anything and everything come between them they were beyond adorable. Their interactions were by far my favorite part of the show. I loved their whole thing in relation to stars. The references they made with that were super cute. I also liked all of their moments that happened because of his inability to see in the dark. There were so many things that happened that I absolutely adored. My favorite thing overall though was when he first admitted he liked her. Seeing how happy she was, was super adorable. It is hard to describe and do it justice so I recommend you watch the show and see for yourself.
GO MI NYU: I thought that she was a unique main character. It has been a while since I've had a main girl as nice and naïve as she was. Her naivety was immensely frustrating at times because she was missing everything that was going on around her but it could also be endearing at times. She was really one of the kindest people and always looked for the best in others. But there was another side to her character that we didn't get until the end that I really appreciated. When a guy kept pursuing her and not listening to how she felt she finally put her foot down and basically said, "I'm sorry I don't like you but you have to stop pursuing me. I like someone else and that isn't going to change."
I didn't expect that from her so I was grateful that she had that side to her.
HWANG TAE KYUNG: He was my favorite character in the whole show. I related to him on a seriously personal level. Like that scene where he had his headphones in and was lowkey acting like he was in a music video. Freaking same. And what happened after was hilarious and I could see that happening to me so it was one of my favorite scenes in the whole show. Also when he did his whole mouth thing… I don't know how else to describe it but it was my FAVORITE THING EVER. And despite his cold arrogant persona he was different in the way that he was a little less mean then some of the other Asian drama guys I have seen. When he smiled it reminded me of Han Shangyan with the sun coming out. (Here is a gif of the lip thing I was talking about.)
KANG SHIN WOO: I know a lot of people have "second lead syndrome" with this guy but I was not really impressed with him as a person. At. All. I mean he was great in the beginning and I liked him a lot but then he just did a whole 180 and was a freaking manipulative jerk. This seems to be an unpopular opinion but I'm going to explain my reasoning anyway. He acted like every nice thing he did for the main girl meant that she had to like him. He was constantly manipulating her and used his "good deeds" as a way to convince her to do certain things. He did not really care what made her happy and refused to listen when she directly told him. She liked someone else and it wasn't until she firmly told him so that he backed off. (As much as he was able. I caught his glares and tight expressions) I really did hate him with every part of my soul.
JEREMY: He was super hilarious and I really was grateful that he was there to take my mind off of all the drama. It was funny to see him all confused because he was the only band member to not know she was a girl and I mean imagine him watching his two bandmates fight over someone who he thinks is a boy. This comedic element eventually disappeared as the drama took over the whole show but for the first part it was definitely heaven sent. Everyone I have talked to has unanimously agreed that Jeremy is amazing. And he is.
YOO HE YI: I am not going to go into a lot of detail with her but I hated her just as much as I hated Kang Shin Woo. She was awful and did awful things to people all with the veneer of a friendly person. And all the way up to the end she tried to manipulate people and come up with good reasons for doing bad things. Like she did something to hurt someone's feelings and when confronted said things like "I didn't know." and "I was just trying to help." She did some things that had me nearly tearing out my hair from the stress. If you watch this show look forward to her she's... fun. (The actress also played the main girl from High Society)
“Then I can’t hold on to you. I wanted to be able to see you well when you came back, so I was trying to see even in the dark. Every day, I even ate the carrots and spinach I hate, because I worried that I might lose you in the dark. Because I didn’t want to lose you. But I can’t even hold on to you when I can see you well.”
Content Warning: Language, Innuendo, and Mature Content
My Rating: B
Character Glossary:
Go Mi Nyu: Main Character/ fake boy
Hwang Tae Kyung: Lead singer of A.N.JELL.
Kang Shin Woo: Band Member
Jeremy: Band Member
Yoo He Yi: Popular Actress
You're Beautiful is about a girl who pretends to be a boy and joins an idol band. The longer version is: In order to save her brother who is having a serious surgery in the United States she takes his place and joins the popular band A.N.JELL. But she doesn't expect to lose her heart or have her worldview completely shaken up. Can she keep everything she has gained or will she let those intent on taking everything from her win?

MAIN ROMANCE: When the characters weren't letting anything and everything come between them they were beyond adorable. Their interactions were by far my favorite part of the show. I loved their whole thing in relation to stars. The references they made with that were super cute. I also liked all of their moments that happened because of his inability to see in the dark. There were so many things that happened that I absolutely adored. My favorite thing overall though was when he first admitted he liked her. Seeing how happy she was, was super adorable. It is hard to describe and do it justice so I recommend you watch the show and see for yourself.
GO MI NYU: I thought that she was a unique main character. It has been a while since I've had a main girl as nice and naïve as she was. Her naivety was immensely frustrating at times because she was missing everything that was going on around her but it could also be endearing at times. She was really one of the kindest people and always looked for the best in others. But there was another side to her character that we didn't get until the end that I really appreciated. When a guy kept pursuing her and not listening to how she felt she finally put her foot down and basically said, "I'm sorry I don't like you but you have to stop pursuing me. I like someone else and that isn't going to change."
I didn't expect that from her so I was grateful that she had that side to her.
HWANG TAE KYUNG: He was my favorite character in the whole show. I related to him on a seriously personal level. Like that scene where he had his headphones in and was lowkey acting like he was in a music video. Freaking same. And what happened after was hilarious and I could see that happening to me so it was one of my favorite scenes in the whole show. Also when he did his whole mouth thing… I don't know how else to describe it but it was my FAVORITE THING EVER. And despite his cold arrogant persona he was different in the way that he was a little less mean then some of the other Asian drama guys I have seen. When he smiled it reminded me of Han Shangyan with the sun coming out. (Here is a gif of the lip thing I was talking about.)
KANG SHIN WOO: I know a lot of people have "second lead syndrome" with this guy but I was not really impressed with him as a person. At. All. I mean he was great in the beginning and I liked him a lot but then he just did a whole 180 and was a freaking manipulative jerk. This seems to be an unpopular opinion but I'm going to explain my reasoning anyway. He acted like every nice thing he did for the main girl meant that she had to like him. He was constantly manipulating her and used his "good deeds" as a way to convince her to do certain things. He did not really care what made her happy and refused to listen when she directly told him. She liked someone else and it wasn't until she firmly told him so that he backed off. (As much as he was able. I caught his glares and tight expressions) I really did hate him with every part of my soul.
JEREMY: He was super hilarious and I really was grateful that he was there to take my mind off of all the drama. It was funny to see him all confused because he was the only band member to not know she was a girl and I mean imagine him watching his two bandmates fight over someone who he thinks is a boy. This comedic element eventually disappeared as the drama took over the whole show but for the first part it was definitely heaven sent. Everyone I have talked to has unanimously agreed that Jeremy is amazing. And he is.
YOO HE YI: I am not going to go into a lot of detail with her but I hated her just as much as I hated Kang Shin Woo. She was awful and did awful things to people all with the veneer of a friendly person. And all the way up to the end she tried to manipulate people and come up with good reasons for doing bad things. Like she did something to hurt someone's feelings and when confronted said things like "I didn't know." and "I was just trying to help." She did some things that had me nearly tearing out my hair from the stress. If you watch this show look forward to her she's... fun. (The actress also played the main girl from High Society)
“Then I can’t hold on to you. I wanted to be able to see you well when you came back, so I was trying to see even in the dark. Every day, I even ate the carrots and spinach I hate, because I worried that I might lose you in the dark. Because I didn’t want to lose you. But I can’t even hold on to you when I can see you well.”
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