My Discontinued Shows
My Discontinued Shows: An Appreciation and Explanation Post
Hey Everybody!
I thought it was a good time to do a post about the shows I've discontinued. Both just their main plots and why I stopped watching them. (And if I have any intention of continuing them possibly sometime in the future.) I will be adding new shows to this post when I run into more I am stopping so keep checking back occasionally to see if I have added anything new. Also there MAY BE SPOILERS BELOW. I will note where there is spoilers but just be aware.
GOOD MORNING CALL: (Available on Netflix)
The plot for this show sounded cute to me. Guy and girl accidentally end up renting the same apartment but neither has the ability to leave. Thus they end up living in the giant apartment together. But there was a lot of language in this one and I just felt like everything was pretty awkward. What do I mean by that, you ask? I have no idea. There was no specific point, everything just felt awkward. But if you do want a good show that has a similar plot try Just You. If you are considering watching this then you can take my opinion into account or try it out for yourself. You might end up really liking it! I did not.
BOYS OVER FLOWERS: (Available on Netflix and Viki)
I know it is probably a sin not to like this show because it is so popular. But here I am. Sorry but I think that Meteor Garden is the best remake of the original plot line. In the first episode there was a decent amount of language so I originally stopped but then I got curious because of the amount of love and support for the show. So I watched the last episode (An even bigger sin I know but you can tell a lot about a show by the way it ends. And, in this case, I was glad I did it.) Without giving away major spoilers (If you're worried do not keep reading) at the end I felt like with everything that had happened the couple should have been able to fight for each other better. It is the last episode for heavens sake. Maybe this isn't a problem for other people but it really bothers me. The best part of the end of a series is when a couple isn't still going through the drama of letting others come between them. They are fighting. But I digress. Give this show a shot if it sounds interesting to you. It has a great set of actors so you might enjoy it more than I did.
POSSESSED: (Available on Netflix)
I have never heard anyone talk about this show ever. It is about a detective and a clairivoyant of sorts who team up. It is hard to describe but when it first came out I was intrigued. But it was not for me. (Just like the other two...….) It didn't draw me in and it had a ton of language that in the end I didn't feel it was worth it. However if you are a little intrigued check it out on Netflix. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on the show if you finish it.
UGLY DUCKLING: (Available on Netflix)
What the heck. This was by far the weirdest show I have ever watched in my life. What was even happening. The acting was subpar at best and the storyline like woah. I really apologize if this is your favorite show but *disgusted noise* I really did not like it. If you are wondering exactly what the heck this is, Ugly Duckling is about 4 seasons with different stories of people overcoming different issues like body image etc. But like I said before interesting concept but I was not fond of how it all came out. If you somehow end up watching the whole thing I would love to know what you thought of it.
REPLY 1997: (Available on Viki and Netflix)
I will probably try to watch this one eventually because it just didn't pull me in and it is so popular so the time will come where I will try to watch it again. But there is no specific reason besides the story did not pull me in so I put it on hold. The plot is basically a group of friends looking back at their lives when they were younger. The viewer knows that two of the friends end up together and a big part of the story is figuring out who does.
MY HORRIBLE BOSS (Available on Viki and Netflix) (It is under a different name in Viki but if you look up My Horrible Boss it should pop up anyway)
The story was just eh and I got a couple episodes in but they were just eh for me. The story wasn't very intriguing and there was just not a lot there to convince me to keep watching. The plot of this show is about a girl who's temper is legendary and a man who is known as a pushover. As they collide will destruction occur or will he be the only one who can tame her temper?
W: TWO WORLDS (Available on Viki)
Now I know this is a super popular show with an incredibly popular actor but I was not a fan. It just wasn't my kind of show. I really don't have any plans to try rewatching it right now but never say never. This show is about two people from different dimensions. They meet when the main girl is kidnapped and taken over. How will people from two dimensions get together?
This show is actually pretty intriguing and the fantastical element was cool. However there was a lot of language and the show was not hooking me enough for me to push past it. But this is a show I would consider looking at watching again. The story was good enough that I would go back. I'm considering rewatching it soon but I'm not positive. The plot is about a girl who has the power to basically "strengthen" a deity so all of these powerful beings are after her.
NIGHTMARE TEACHER (Available on Netflix as Nightmare High and on Viki)
This is a show about this teacher who comes to substitute while the main teacher is gone and once he does weird things start happening. There is a lot of language spread out and it wasn't enough for me to keep watching. But I will say what little I watched was actually kind of freaky. Not in a visual way but in a psychological way. The teacher would "target" students who were having a rough time. Example: This girl was being bullied and the teacher pulled her aside and was basically like in a really creepy way, "I will give you a paper with all of the kids desks on it. If you draw a line between you and someone else you become friends but if you cross out a line they ignore you. And the change is permanent." And she went all crazy. So it was creepy.
SUITS (Was Available on Netflix but it was recently taken off)
I was really excited for this show because it had the main actor from Strong Girl Bong Soon in it (Park Hyung-sik) and I love him as an actor. And in this show he was fantastic but the show itself was not that great. I was really determined to finish it though so I pushed through until about episode 12 when I couldn't take it anymore. But before I explain any further here is the main plot: There is this big hot shot lawyer who is looking for an assistant. He ends up hiring this dude (Park Hyung-sik) who has no credentials but is super intelligent and has a photographic memory. It is overall just them solving cases and trying to keep Park Hyung-sik's--I can't remember his characters name-- secret hidden. That is a really broad description but there you go. (This was the korean remake of an american (I think) television show by the same name.) But this show was so monotonous like literally the same thing seemed to happen EVERY. SINGLE. EPISODE. This is how it would go:
1. There was a case or problem that needed solving
2. Park Hyung-sik would be assigned a certain job in the case that he would somehow "mess up" because he "let his emotions get in the way."
3. The main lawyer dude would yell at him and tell him he is not good enough and threaten to fire him
4. Park Hyung-sik would rectify his mistake or continue to pursue what he felt was right
5. The case would be solved and Park Hyung-sik would get both a congratulations and a reprimand again for his emotions
I am heavily summarizing but literally the same problem was happening in the exact same way and it felt like there was never any growth for the plot so I had to stop watching which really bothers me but I couldn't take it anymore.
ANOTHER MISS OH (Available on Netflix and Viki)
I know a lot of people are really fond of this show but for me I have never seen a more toxic main couple than in this show. I am really amazed. This show is about the main guy who got "left at the altar" by a woman named Oh Hae-Young (I think that's how it is spelled.) and so in a drunken mistake he hears that Oh Hae-Young is getting married to someone else and he assumes it is his ex-fiancee. But it actually a completely different woman. So he ruined that Oh Hae-Young's fiance who basically broke up with her to "protect her from his fate" or whatever without telling her what happened. So she's heartbroken because of all that. Well a couple months later the main guy and the Oh Hae-Young whose life he ruined meet and he realizes he made a mistake. So he is trying to make it up but they end up falling for each other.... I'm going to stop right here. The overall lesson in this show is not to drink so much. All of the problems in the show could have been avoided if the characters just avoided alcohol. But I discontinued this show after a while because of the seriously toxic nature of the main couple. The guy was...seriously creepy at times and the girl was unnaturally possessive. Like he had told her he wasn't interested in her and he was working through some stuff with his fiancee coming back and she's all like "I don't want you to see her or have anything to do with her." YOU ARE NOT EVEN DATING HIM GIRL YOU HAVE NO RIGHT. IT IS POSSESSIVE AND HONESTLY CREEPY. And then he was worried about her at one point and she's all like "I'll come back if you tell me you miss me and want me to come back." (they live in the same area.) WHAT. AGAIN THEY ARE NOT EVEN DATING. I could not support that. I know that a lot of people love this drama but in the end it is not for me.
MY SECRET ROMANCE (Available on Viki and will be available on Netflix soon)
The basic plot for this show is that the main girl and guy meet under less than favorable circumstances. Both are upset about different things going on in their lives but then they commiserate with each other over it. Then they sleep with each other and then don't see each other or have contact with each other for a couple years (I think that's the amount of time.) He is a successful businessman and she is a nutritionist who transfers to where he works. They run into each other and all the memories--and feelings--come back. I discontinued this show because I felt like it was getting increasingly unrealistic. Like you slept with someone once that doesn't mean that they will be in love with you because of it. I don't know--this show had some cute moments but it wasn't for me.
Hey Everybody!
I thought it was a good time to do a post about the shows I've discontinued. Both just their main plots and why I stopped watching them. (And if I have any intention of continuing them possibly sometime in the future.) I will be adding new shows to this post when I run into more I am stopping so keep checking back occasionally to see if I have added anything new. Also there MAY BE SPOILERS BELOW. I will note where there is spoilers but just be aware.
GOOD MORNING CALL: (Available on Netflix)
The plot for this show sounded cute to me. Guy and girl accidentally end up renting the same apartment but neither has the ability to leave. Thus they end up living in the giant apartment together. But there was a lot of language in this one and I just felt like everything was pretty awkward. What do I mean by that, you ask? I have no idea. There was no specific point, everything just felt awkward. But if you do want a good show that has a similar plot try Just You. If you are considering watching this then you can take my opinion into account or try it out for yourself. You might end up really liking it! I did not.
BOYS OVER FLOWERS: (Available on Netflix and Viki)
I know it is probably a sin not to like this show because it is so popular. But here I am. Sorry but I think that Meteor Garden is the best remake of the original plot line. In the first episode there was a decent amount of language so I originally stopped but then I got curious because of the amount of love and support for the show. So I watched the last episode (An even bigger sin I know but you can tell a lot about a show by the way it ends. And, in this case, I was glad I did it.) Without giving away major spoilers (If you're worried do not keep reading) at the end I felt like with everything that had happened the couple should have been able to fight for each other better. It is the last episode for heavens sake. Maybe this isn't a problem for other people but it really bothers me. The best part of the end of a series is when a couple isn't still going through the drama of letting others come between them. They are fighting. But I digress. Give this show a shot if it sounds interesting to you. It has a great set of actors so you might enjoy it more than I did.
POSSESSED: (Available on Netflix)
I have never heard anyone talk about this show ever. It is about a detective and a clairivoyant of sorts who team up. It is hard to describe but when it first came out I was intrigued. But it was not for me. (Just like the other two...….) It didn't draw me in and it had a ton of language that in the end I didn't feel it was worth it. However if you are a little intrigued check it out on Netflix. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on the show if you finish it.
UGLY DUCKLING: (Available on Netflix)
What the heck. This was by far the weirdest show I have ever watched in my life. What was even happening. The acting was subpar at best and the storyline like woah. I really apologize if this is your favorite show but *disgusted noise* I really did not like it. If you are wondering exactly what the heck this is, Ugly Duckling is about 4 seasons with different stories of people overcoming different issues like body image etc. But like I said before interesting concept but I was not fond of how it all came out. If you somehow end up watching the whole thing I would love to know what you thought of it.
REPLY 1997: (Available on Viki and Netflix)
I will probably try to watch this one eventually because it just didn't pull me in and it is so popular so the time will come where I will try to watch it again. But there is no specific reason besides the story did not pull me in so I put it on hold. The plot is basically a group of friends looking back at their lives when they were younger. The viewer knows that two of the friends end up together and a big part of the story is figuring out who does.
MY HORRIBLE BOSS (Available on Viki and Netflix) (It is under a different name in Viki but if you look up My Horrible Boss it should pop up anyway)
The story was just eh and I got a couple episodes in but they were just eh for me. The story wasn't very intriguing and there was just not a lot there to convince me to keep watching. The plot of this show is about a girl who's temper is legendary and a man who is known as a pushover. As they collide will destruction occur or will he be the only one who can tame her temper?
W: TWO WORLDS (Available on Viki)
Now I know this is a super popular show with an incredibly popular actor but I was not a fan. It just wasn't my kind of show. I really don't have any plans to try rewatching it right now but never say never. This show is about two people from different dimensions. They meet when the main girl is kidnapped and taken over. How will people from two dimensions get together?

NIGHTMARE TEACHER (Available on Netflix as Nightmare High and on Viki)
This is a show about this teacher who comes to substitute while the main teacher is gone and once he does weird things start happening. There is a lot of language spread out and it wasn't enough for me to keep watching. But I will say what little I watched was actually kind of freaky. Not in a visual way but in a psychological way. The teacher would "target" students who were having a rough time. Example: This girl was being bullied and the teacher pulled her aside and was basically like in a really creepy way, "I will give you a paper with all of the kids desks on it. If you draw a line between you and someone else you become friends but if you cross out a line they ignore you. And the change is permanent." And she went all crazy. So it was creepy.
SUITS (Was Available on Netflix but it was recently taken off)
I was really excited for this show because it had the main actor from Strong Girl Bong Soon in it (Park Hyung-sik) and I love him as an actor. And in this show he was fantastic but the show itself was not that great. I was really determined to finish it though so I pushed through until about episode 12 when I couldn't take it anymore. But before I explain any further here is the main plot: There is this big hot shot lawyer who is looking for an assistant. He ends up hiring this dude (Park Hyung-sik) who has no credentials but is super intelligent and has a photographic memory. It is overall just them solving cases and trying to keep Park Hyung-sik's--I can't remember his characters name-- secret hidden. That is a really broad description but there you go. (This was the korean remake of an american (I think) television show by the same name.) But this show was so monotonous like literally the same thing seemed to happen EVERY. SINGLE. EPISODE. This is how it would go:
1. There was a case or problem that needed solving
2. Park Hyung-sik would be assigned a certain job in the case that he would somehow "mess up" because he "let his emotions get in the way."
3. The main lawyer dude would yell at him and tell him he is not good enough and threaten to fire him
4. Park Hyung-sik would rectify his mistake or continue to pursue what he felt was right
5. The case would be solved and Park Hyung-sik would get both a congratulations and a reprimand again for his emotions
I am heavily summarizing but literally the same problem was happening in the exact same way and it felt like there was never any growth for the plot so I had to stop watching which really bothers me but I couldn't take it anymore.
ANOTHER MISS OH (Available on Netflix and Viki)
I know a lot of people are really fond of this show but for me I have never seen a more toxic main couple than in this show. I am really amazed. This show is about the main guy who got "left at the altar" by a woman named Oh Hae-Young (I think that's how it is spelled.) and so in a drunken mistake he hears that Oh Hae-Young is getting married to someone else and he assumes it is his ex-fiancee. But it actually a completely different woman. So he ruined that Oh Hae-Young's fiance who basically broke up with her to "protect her from his fate" or whatever without telling her what happened. So she's heartbroken because of all that. Well a couple months later the main guy and the Oh Hae-Young whose life he ruined meet and he realizes he made a mistake. So he is trying to make it up but they end up falling for each other.... I'm going to stop right here. The overall lesson in this show is not to drink so much. All of the problems in the show could have been avoided if the characters just avoided alcohol. But I discontinued this show after a while because of the seriously toxic nature of the main couple. The guy was...seriously creepy at times and the girl was unnaturally possessive. Like he had told her he wasn't interested in her and he was working through some stuff with his fiancee coming back and she's all like "I don't want you to see her or have anything to do with her." YOU ARE NOT EVEN DATING HIM GIRL YOU HAVE NO RIGHT. IT IS POSSESSIVE AND HONESTLY CREEPY. And then he was worried about her at one point and she's all like "I'll come back if you tell me you miss me and want me to come back." (they live in the same area.) WHAT. AGAIN THEY ARE NOT EVEN DATING. I could not support that. I know that a lot of people love this drama but in the end it is not for me.
MY SECRET ROMANCE (Available on Viki and will be available on Netflix soon)
The basic plot for this show is that the main girl and guy meet under less than favorable circumstances. Both are upset about different things going on in their lives but then they commiserate with each other over it. Then they sleep with each other and then don't see each other or have contact with each other for a couple years (I think that's the amount of time.) He is a successful businessman and she is a nutritionist who transfers to where he works. They run into each other and all the memories--and feelings--come back. I discontinued this show because I felt like it was getting increasingly unrealistic. Like you slept with someone once that doesn't mean that they will be in love with you because of it. I don't know--this show had some cute moments but it wasn't for me.
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