The Ghost Bride

The Ghost Bride (Available on Netflix) 
Content Warning: Language, Violent and Frightening Imagery 
Rating: B

Character Glossary: 
Pan Li Lan: Main Girl/ Daughter of a Merchant 
Tian Ching: Deceased son of a wealthy family
Tian Bai: Cousin of Tian Ching who has been abroad/ Childhood friends with Li Lan
Er Lang: Heavenly Worker Dude
Isabel: Tian Bai's fiancee

The Ghost Bride follows Pan Li Lan whose father is a failing merchant who gets an interesting proposal. The wealthy Lim family wants to have Li Lan marry their son Tian Ching--who is dead--which would make her a ghost bride. Her father declines the offer but on a trip abroad he gets terribly ill and Li Lan is being haunted by Tian Ching who promises to help her father if she will find out who murdered him. With time running out Li Lan will have to work together with Er Lang, a heavenly messenger, to solve the mystery. 

I've been trying to decide on what my overall opinion of this show is but no answer seems completely bear with me. I liked this show overall but I wish it had been longer since there were so many aspects and plot lines that were mentioned but not explored. This show was definitely visually beautiful--that was a straight A for me. The setting was stunning and when the show failed in other areas that stayed consistent. I liked the characters and the plot was interesting. This show is 6 episodes long and actually I would highly recommend taking the time to watch this. It is quick, exciting, and just a fun watch. If a season 2 came out (which I've heard rumors may happen) I will definitely be watching it. Unfortunately despite the fact that I enjoyed watching it I felt like there was so much that could have been explored to enhance the show. (There is a book that this is based off of and I've already checked it out from the library so I am hoping it improves on what the show didn't) 
{Side Note: I read the book and I liked it SO MUCH BETTER than the show so I highly recommend reading it in addition to the show} 


OVERALL STORY: The idea of ghost brides actually fascinates me and I've run into it a few times in the shows I watch like in Hotel Del Luna. But I really liked how this show explored it and what it really would have meant for a young woman to enter into an engagement like that. But I think this show should have gone on for longer than 6 episodes because it created such an intricate setting that I would have loved to explore more. Not only the setting but I feel like the characters needed way more screen time to really explore them and their hopes and fears. Every character I met I wanted to get to know more and I felt like the amount of episodes left much of that to be desired. Other than the lack of detail the show was well done considering how short it was. The plot moved fairly quickly but still slow enough that the story unfolds really well. Like I've mentioned the reason why this was a "B" instead of an "A" show for me was the lack of detail. Totally random side note but the character of Mr. Wong (I think that's his name) seem incredibly pointless at the end. I liked him but he could see ghosts for some reason and that only came into play once but they acted like it was a big deal considering how much his story got screen time. AND THEN HE DIED AND I DON'T QUITE UNDERSTAND WHY THAT NEEDED TO HAPPEN. But I digress..... this show does kind of have a cliffhanger at the end but it is nothing major. It leaves it open enough that I would love to see what happens next.

MAIN ROMANCE: There is kind of this love triangle between Li Lan, Tian Bai, and Er Lang. (Sorry Tian Ching isn't really a viable love interest since she never liked him that way--although I will admit I would totally be open to the possibility if we had more screen time to develop that) To be honest I didn't really have a preference on who she ended up with--both of the guys were great in their own way. Tian Bai was such a sweetheart and I just wanted him to be happy. He really cared about Li Lan and their scenes were super cute! Er Lang and Li Lan were hilarious together and I loved seeing their relationship change after being in the Netherworld. (Basically the underworld) If you were wondering she does end up with Er Lang although they don't kiss or make romantic declarations. I wish there had been more time to develop the romance but I was happy with how it ended up. 

PAN LI LAN: I adored her as a main character. She has to be one of my favorite female leads ever. She was seriously kick butt and she would do anything for the people she cares about. She has to go through a whole lot of crap but she still stands strong. I really liked the scenes where she stood up to Tian Ching and I wish we could have had more because I was waiting for it the whole show. I liked how in the end she chose to follow her own path instead of the one expected for her. I did feel like there should have been more story to develop this need to want to fight ghosts and such but there was enough to not make it weird. 

TIAN CHING: He was straight up a spoiled, entitled brat. And the fact that I can say that and not have anything to sympathize with bugs me. He hints that there is a lot of crap he had to go through but he stays a pretty one dimensional villain. Not to say he wasn't a good one because he was! The actor did a fantastic job bringing him to life. But--just like most of this show--his character would have been so much better if we had actually gotten to know him. THERE WAS SO MUCH I WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT HIM AND I FEEL SO LET DOWN. The entire villain thing in the show definitely needed some work and I'm a little upset about that. 

TIAN BAI: He was seriously the sweetest person ever and I love him so much. He was genuinely a good person and looked for the best in people. We don't see that clearly if he is happy at the end which broke my heart a little. I'm guessing he decides to pursue his career as a doctor which makes me happy but Li Lan leaves him and we don't really see if he is happy. He's probably my favorite character besides Li Lan so that was sad.

ER LANG: I liked him but I didn't love him. He was funny and a good character but I NEEDED MORE. (Do you see a theme here??) The fact that he was, technically, the male lead made it even worse that he hardly had any character development. Or we didn't really see it..... but I did like the dynamic between him and Li Lan. 

ISABEL: I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING OH MY GOSH. I really don't want to spoil this but if you are reading this you don't care about spoilers asked for it. SHE WAS THE ONE WHO MURDERED TIAN CHING THE WHOLE TIME AND SHE WAS ALSO THE ONE WHO SENT LI LAN TO THE NETHERWORLD. Talk about insane right? I wondered what her purpose was but I did not expect this. She was legit one of the most interesting things about this show. 

QUOTE: (This is from the book but I liked it more than the show quotes) 
"In the darkness of a thousand withered souls, it was Er Lang's hand that I sought, and his voice that I longed to hear. Perhaps it is selfish of me, but an uncertain future with him, in all its laughter and quarrels, is better than being left behind." 



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