My Holo Love

 My Holo Love (Available on Netflix) 

Content Warning: Language used often, Violence

Rating: B-

Character Glossary: 

Go Nan-do: Computer Genius/ Creator of Holo 

Han So-yeon: Works at a glasses company/ Main Girl 

Holo: Hologram 

Nam Gi Ho: Detective

Go Yoo-jin: CEO of Gio  and Nan-do's sister 

Baek Chan-sung: Vice President of Magic Mirror

Baek Nam-gyu: Chairman of Magic Mirror (^^Father) 

My Holo Love is about a girl named Han So-yeon who suffers from face blindness. She is trying to make it through life when she is slipped a pair of glasses that changes everything. When she puts them on she meets Holo, a hologram created by Gio who was given to her in order to prevent the glasses from being stolen by a rival company. Her life completely changes thanks to Holo's help and it only changes further as her life becomes entwined with Holo's creator--Go Nan-do. As the two of them work to protect the glasses they learn there is so much more at stake.

I enjoyed watching this show but overall it was not as good as I expected it to be. I thought it would be along the lines of Are You Human Too but this show sorely disappointed in that area. Holo is completely human like from the start and I don't have a problem with that but the show seemed to want to encourage the idea way to early that Holo can fall in love. The thing I liked about Are You Human Too is that we see the growth in him and it completely made me redefine what it is to be human. Holo did not. And it wasn't just because he was a hologram (Holograms are people too--I stand by the doctor from Star Trek Voyager for that proof) but his character was just a let down in that area. But I digress. However, I loved the romance and Nan-do's entire freaking character was amazing. The plot was interesting and the last few episodes definitely made the whole show worth watching for me. This is not a "must watch drama" in my opinion but if you are looking for an interesting show maybe give it a shot. If you like the premise of an AI, I'd suggest watching Are You Human Too if you haven't--it is an amazing show.


OVERALL STORY: Like I talked about a bit above the biggest complaint I had with the overall story was how it treated the whole plot line with Holo. A big thing was the fact that they considered him a person--who had a right to make choices, live, and fall in love. BUT THERE WAS NOTHING TO BACK UP THIS THINKING. We, as viewers, don't see instances that show Holo is really capable of love like a person. That is not to say I didn't like Holo as a character but I felt like that part of the plot didn't live up to its full potential. Other than that I loved the whole plot with Go Nan-do's backstory. There were things that happened that I completely didn't expect and had me on the edge of my seat. I liked the politics and rivalry between the two company's Gio and Magic Mirror. It definitely made the show more intriguing. The plot pacing was kind of slow at the beginning and then very quick the last few episodes. I'm grateful this show was only 12 episodes because the beginning did drag at times. But overall I was pleased with the plot pacing and the character development that occurred during the plot. 

MAIN ROMANCE: I am first going to talk a bit about Holo and Han So-yeon's relationship before I get into the real main romance of the show for me. I felt like Holo's feelings for her developed way to fast to be taken realistically which made me feel overall annoyed at their relationship. Especially because some of the stuff that made So-yeon like Holo was actually Nan-do. I feel like if there is to be a relationship between an AI and a human it needs to be treated more...thoroughly than this show did. I felt frustrated by how big a part this played in the first 75% of the show because of how underdeveloped it was. HOWEVER the romance between So-yeon and Nan-do was absolutely fantastic and if I didn't have so many other problems with the show I would buy it just for those two. They had a lot of growth and I liked seeing the feelings develop especially on So-yeon's side because we really saw it develop where Nan-do's we didn't get as much. But I liked how they were together and how she softened his abrasive attitude. Overall I'd almost recommend watching the show just because of them. They are super cute and I (almost) wish the show were longer so we could see more of them. 

OTHER ROMANCES: There wasn't a lot of screen time for the side romances but I thought I would quickly mention them. There is the one between Yoo Jin and Chan Sung which was really great. I liked their friendship to--eventually--married couple plot. They took their time getting there which made it more realistic and more enjoyable to watch. It kind of made me laugh though because the guy who played Chan Sung was a side character in What's Wrong with Secretary Kim and his character in this show is so different it was a little funny to me. But this couple definitely had good chemistry and I was so happy they got together. There was another VERY MINOR couple that got together at the end which I was surprisingly excited about. I don't remember the characters names but he worked at Gio and she was a detective. I shipped them from the moment they met each other so that was kind of a happy surprise. 

GO NAN DO: He was the absolute best I'm telling you. He was totally abrasive, anti-social, grumpy, and I ABSOLUTELY ADORE him. He is totally the sweetest person but because of events in his past he closed himself off from other people and focused entirely on his work. As a result seeing him come out of his shell and really develop as a character was great. I also loved the fact that he was really relatable because he was so done with everyone. He was permanently annoyed and for some reason I really loved that part of him. Every time he cried though I was tearing up because his whole story--learning that his mother actually got murdered instead of committing suicide--was so sad. He had to deal with a whole lot of crap and I felt like he really got a lot all at once. My only complaint is that his hair became more like Holo's at the end which is a load of crap because I liked his hair throughout the show better LIKE WHAT IS THIS. Weird complaint, I know, but it really bugged me. 

HAN SO YEON: I liked her character overall but there were times she really bugged me. She blamed Nan-do for things that were clearly her fault. LIKE THE FACT THAT SHE KISSED HIM AND THAT FREAKED OUT EVEN THOUGH SHE DID IT. And it took her a while before she really tried to understand him and what he was going through. She really didn't think outside of herself as much as she should have. But that didn't make me not like her because there were times where she was really relatable. And her character growth was amazing as well as being able to be open about her face blindness. Which speaking of, was a pretty interesting thing to see and I will definitely be looking into more dramas that deal with that condition. What caused her face blindness was SO SAD and I was really freaked out. But it was one of the coolest parts of the show. 

HOLO: Since I've gone into a rant about his character so many times already I am going to try to keep this short since I've said a lot about what I already think about him. Bottom line: I think he is underdeveloped as a character. I liked him and was sad when awful things happened to him but I couldn't really agree with this idea that he could love someone romantically. I think it is definitely a possibility but the way it was treated in the show? No way. His lack of characterization made the show not as amazing as it could have been. Which is a disservice to him because he definitely deserved better. 

NAM GI HO: I know he was just trying to do his job but, for the most part, he seriously bugged me. He was very narrow minded and it ruined his character for me. He wasn't a bad person and he really worked on doing the right thing by the law but no matter how hard I try I can't make myself really like him. I appreciate what he did as a character but that's as far as it goes. 

GO YOO JIN: Bless her for being one of the only logical people here. She was the character who said what definitely needed to be said. I appreciated the depth to her character as well and I wish we could have seen more of her. But her interactions with Nan-do were hilarious and she was one of the people who helped So-yeon realize her feelings and improve as a character. The show wouldn't have been in the "B" rating area if it weren't for her. 

BAEK CHAN SUNG: Thank the heavens for this character's redemption arc. I was worried for a while there he would stay a villain but he completely turned it around which was awesome. His character was great and I didn't have any major problems with him even when he was a villain. He was just trying to make his stupid father proud and once he realized he didn't want to be like his father he changed. And he fought for that change and the people he cared about. And that scene where he stood up to his father was so satisfying.

BAEK NAM GYU: I hate him and his smug face so much I could explode. He played a back seat role until the second half where he really came out in full force and ruined everyone's lives. I was so glad that he finally got his comeuppance. But he was a really good villain for the story and not one that garners even a little bit of sympathy. He is an awful person plain and simple. 


"...You may hate your flaws, but those things are what I find special about you. The fact that we're still imperfect is what let us meet in the first place..." 



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