My First First Love Season 1

My First First Love Season 1 (Available on Netflix) 
Content Warning: Language, Innuendo, Drinking
Rating: B+

Character Glossary:
Yun Tae O: Son of a rich guy and Song I's childhood best friend and student

Han Song I: Tae O's best friend and architecture student
Seo Do Hyeon: Fried of Tae O's. He is not from a rich family and is a hardworking student
O Ga Rin:  Girl from an incredibly rich family who hides out with Tae O
Choe Hun: Aspiring Actor and friend of Tae O's 

My First First Love is about a group of people all end up moving into their friend Tae O's house for various reasons. Humorous situations and relationships start to occur. New friendships develop and the group end up learning more about each other and themselves. In this college age drama the characters really take a look at their futures both career and people wise. 

I started watching this then it got put off because of Doctor John and Angel's Last Mission so this review has been a long time coming. I do want to emphasize that this is only season 1 of My First First Love and the second season (Which I just started) will get its own seperate review. I felt like it would be better that way. This show had a lot of ups and downs. I really was intrigued at first and then it kind of hit a dead zone then ended on a high note. The characters are really easy to connect to and the various romances/friendships that develop are the reason I kept watching. I definitely recommend watching this one if you need a cute romance. It is 8 episodes long and each are only 45 minutes so that makes it easier to watch time wise. Because of this it is really quick and a lot of things seem a little more sped up because of it (at least I think so) but I hope that some of my issues will be solved in season 2. 


OVERALL STORY: The plot develops rather nicely despite being so short. There were some things that seemed a little rushed such as the relationship with Tae O and that other girl...Se yeon I think her name was. In fact her whole character I felt needed a little more because it all just seemed rushed and unless she has some secret ulterior motive I want more scenes with them. But other than that I liked the individual stories that each of the characters had that tied into the story as a whole. It was really easy for me to get connected to them and legitimately care about their problems. I also loved all the college age drama that went on because it showed just how hard it can be to be a student or just trying to make your way in the world. The romance was a huge part of the plot but I won't go too much into it since their is a section devoted to it below. But overall the plot was well written and I look forward to the (hopeful) expansion on it during season 2. Because I have A LOT of unanswered questions--that cliffhanger! Legit Tae O figures out he likes Song I AT THE LAST POSSIBLE SECOND. I legit am screaming. 

MAIN ROMANCE: I am going to start off with Do Hyeon and Song I. I've been trying to decide exactly how I feel about them and the only word I can come up with is "eh." They have some cute moments and I am not upset or happy they got together. Which is surprising considering I like her and Tae O better as a couple. But the thing is Do Hyeon and Song I seriously suck at communication. Like they are seriously the worst and it just doesn't bode well for their future. But what I liked most about them as a couple is their innocence and their "first love" moments. They were both new to the relationship field and I liked the realistic portrayal of that. I am curious at how they will develop as a couple in season 2 with their secret coming out...... 

MAIN ROMANCE #2: This is between Tae O and Se Yeon. Se Yeon is a girl who is about 2 years older than him. I shipped them together so much until the literally the last episode. So before I talk about that I just want to say how freaking cute they are the other 7 episodes. He is sweet to her and totally innocent and she is far more experienced in the world but likes him because of how open and honest he is with her. I felt like they had great chemistry and I loved their scenes together. Until the dreaded last episode where my feelings changed. Se Yeon was always a bit of a mystery because we kind of get the vibe she is mean girl but not a whole ton of evidence backed up that vibe. We also get the information that she has a lot of guys that she goes on dates with almost like multiple boyfriends but that isn't talked about either until we see her texting another guy during the group retreat that Tae O and her go to with the group. She is acting all weird and after seeing Tae O and Song I at that beach scene my loyalties have shifted. I don't know if I am disappointed or not but I am wondering who exactly she is and what will happen to them next season.

YUN TAE O: I think he was my favorite character but I kind of liked everyone in their own way. He was just sweet and caring so it isn't hard to like him. We see a little into his family dynamic and although he doesn't really show it I think it must be harder for him than he let on. He has been the happy go lucky guy in this season but I think with the realization he came to at the end (that he likes Song I) it could change a lot for his character. He has stayed pretty consistent throughout the show and hasn't experienced much character growth so I am a little hopeful in seeing that in him next season. Not that he needs it per se but I am always a fan of seeing characters grow and learn. 

HAN SONG I: There were episodes where I liked her and episodes where I seriously wanted to strangle her. The most relatable thing about her though was the fact that she really hated to inconvenience anyone so she would just keep her mouth shut instead of talking to people. I do that sometimes too but I didn't realize how annoying it is seeing other people do it. I'll be like, "Girl! Just tell him your house got taken away!" But at the same time I was like if I were in her shoes I think I woulds probably do the same thing. All of that aside she had a whole bunch of crap stuff happen to her. LIKE HER MOM OH MY GOSH. I legit hate her mom and I am a little upset we kind of don't hear about her after she freaking abandons Song I for whatever the reason. Song I was overall a great character and I look forward to seeing more of her. 

SEO DO HYEON: At the beginning he was described as the brooding type who doesn't date anyone but I feel like that is an innacurate description to give. It didn't take him super long to start liking Song I so it was a bit misleading to have him described that way.... Maybe it is just because he is more on the quieter side. I did love his character until like the last 2 episodes where it just kind of dampened to "like." In my opinion he got the most character growth in the whole show especially when the romance really started going. I hope that next season I can change "like" to "love" again. 

O GA RIN: I really adored her because she is way too innocent. She has clearly been sheltered by her parents and so her reaction to everything is freaking hilarious. I really wish we had gotten more into her backstory than what we just got at the beginning and the tiny bit halfway through. It would have been interesting to explore that. She is one of my favorite characters as well and I am really exciting to see what happens to her next season. (Maybe she and Choe Hun can finally get together please....I'm here for them.)

CHOE HUN: I am seriously praying for good things to happen to him next season because the last couple episodes he has gotten the short end of the stick. Getting into acting is not easy and this is shown very well. But he is trying so hard and it breaks my heart everytime it falls through. So I am hoping that things turn around for him because he deserves it. He is funny and such a great guy. I love his friendship (and hopefully future relationship) with Ga Rin as he is introducing her to the world. He is just the sweetest person. 

"A truly decent guy never makes the woman he loves doubt herself." 



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