Man to Man
Man to Man (Available on Netflix):
Content Warning: Language and Violence
My Rating: A Character Glossary:
Kim Seol-woo: Secret Agent
Cha Do-ha: Celebrity Manager
Lee Dong- Hyun: Secret Agent Boss/ Prosecuter
Un-kwang: Celebrity
Mo Seung-Jae: Main Bad Guy
Man to Man is about an agent who has to go undercover as a bodyguard for a celebrity in order to get certain artifacts. What he doesn't realize is that this mission will uncover hidden truths and dark betrayals. It will also uncover unexpected friends and romances. This is a action, romance, comedy that is not to be missed.
OVERALL STORY: Wow this show was absolutely amazing! Normally Korean shows are pretty dark--someone usually dies or there is some really awful tragic past. But not in this case! I was waiting for this one guy to die but he didn't so if you are looking for a more lighthearted show watch this one NOW. The plot is fantastic and the acting is amazing. This show was so funny I could not stop laughing throughout all 16 episodes. I felt like the relationships the developed were realistic and easy to support. As you can see in the gif next to this one of my favorite actors Song Joong Ki (Who played Yoo Si Jin in Descendants of the Sun) made a cameo appearance in this show. If that isn't reason to watch this right now I don't know what is. But my fangirling aside I think you should watch this show especially if you like the american movies Oceans 11, Oceans 12, and Oceans 13. This had a very similar comedic vibe as well as a healthy does of heisting. I love this show and you'd better believe I will be adding it to my "to buy" list. I will note though that I was a bit confused the first couple of episodes but luckily the story straightened itself out quickly.
MAIN ROMANCE: I wasn't sure how to feel about their relationship at first but by the time it really tarted going I was in full on ship mode. It was the classic trope of guy who does not getting attached to anyone, falling in love with someone he never expects. I thought they portrayed it realistically and well. I loved seeing her slowly start to trust him despite all the lies that had been between them. And--on that same vein-- when he trusted her with the truth. After she found out everything he didn't keep anything important from her. I especially loved the whole exchanging rings part towards the end of the show. I felt like they reached a important point in their relationship. While the show is not all about the romance it is a big focus of it. So romance fans out there don't worry there will be enough romance to fill your heart.
OTHER ROMANCES: This won't be a long section because there were not many romances that were important but I will mention the few there are briefly here. There is the one between the bad guy and his wife (which is a love triangle with the actor Un-kwang) but that isn't as prevalent. There is no love lost between them or anything. And the bad guy and his wife had their cute moments but to be honest I never understood their relationship.
KIM SEOL-WOO: He is the KDrama character that I think I relate to the most. His facial expressions were my facial expressions. He was so funny and I ADORED his character. At the beginning of the show he is portrayed as this very serious and uncaring person. But that is not true AT ALL. He has so many layers to him but I love his reactions to everything. He always had the expression of "I am surrounded by the weirdest people but I'm on a mission so I have to hold in my astonishment." I loved seeing him learn to trust people and open up to people. As a ghost agent (an agent who is completely under the radar) he doesn't really open up to people because he can't afford that connection. But throughout the show he finds his family and a place where he is happy. And no one deserves that more than him.
CHA DO-HA: This might sound funny but at first I thought she was a total psycho. But to be honest the first couple of episodes everything was a little weird before it finally got set in the story. And I really grew to love her. She doesn't take crap from people but she also has this sensitive side that we don't originally see. She was a character that took a little more time to unfold but I loved her once I got to see other sides to her. There was a lot I assumed I knew but in reality I was not understanding.
LEE DONG-HYUN: This guy was so funny and I was grateful for his character throughout the show. He is just an amazing person especially with everyone else surrounding him being pieces of crap. He is the mentor Kim Seol-woo needed. I will admit there was a point when I questioned his character but I should never have doubted him. He is amazing and someone stable that you can always count on. Also he could be incredibly sassy which is key.
UN-KWANG: This man is hysterical. I know I've said that about a lot of characters (this show is a comedy) but he really was something else. I appreciated that although he was hilarious most of the time he knew when to be serious. He could give really great life advice when it was needed. He cared about other people but he could also stand up for himself when others were being stupid. I loved his character so much.
MO SEUNG-JAE: He was a really good villain. He was power hungry and manipulative. But they did not make him into this uncaring villain. He loved his son and his wife a lot. Even when he found out the secrets that his wife kept he didn't stop loving her. I appreciated that humanity we saw in him. It made him a more realistic villain.
"When working undercover how you end it is more important than how you start it."
Content Warning: Language and Violence
My Rating: A Character Glossary:
Kim Seol-woo: Secret Agent
Cha Do-ha: Celebrity Manager
Lee Dong- Hyun: Secret Agent Boss/ Prosecuter
Un-kwang: Celebrity
Mo Seung-Jae: Main Bad Guy
Man to Man is about an agent who has to go undercover as a bodyguard for a celebrity in order to get certain artifacts. What he doesn't realize is that this mission will uncover hidden truths and dark betrayals. It will also uncover unexpected friends and romances. This is a action, romance, comedy that is not to be missed.
MAIN ROMANCE: I wasn't sure how to feel about their relationship at first but by the time it really tarted going I was in full on ship mode. It was the classic trope of guy who does not getting attached to anyone, falling in love with someone he never expects. I thought they portrayed it realistically and well. I loved seeing her slowly start to trust him despite all the lies that had been between them. And--on that same vein-- when he trusted her with the truth. After she found out everything he didn't keep anything important from her. I especially loved the whole exchanging rings part towards the end of the show. I felt like they reached a important point in their relationship. While the show is not all about the romance it is a big focus of it. So romance fans out there don't worry there will be enough romance to fill your heart.
OTHER ROMANCES: This won't be a long section because there were not many romances that were important but I will mention the few there are briefly here. There is the one between the bad guy and his wife (which is a love triangle with the actor Un-kwang) but that isn't as prevalent. There is no love lost between them or anything. And the bad guy and his wife had their cute moments but to be honest I never understood their relationship.
KIM SEOL-WOO: He is the KDrama character that I think I relate to the most. His facial expressions were my facial expressions. He was so funny and I ADORED his character. At the beginning of the show he is portrayed as this very serious and uncaring person. But that is not true AT ALL. He has so many layers to him but I love his reactions to everything. He always had the expression of "I am surrounded by the weirdest people but I'm on a mission so I have to hold in my astonishment." I loved seeing him learn to trust people and open up to people. As a ghost agent (an agent who is completely under the radar) he doesn't really open up to people because he can't afford that connection. But throughout the show he finds his family and a place where he is happy. And no one deserves that more than him.
CHA DO-HA: This might sound funny but at first I thought she was a total psycho. But to be honest the first couple of episodes everything was a little weird before it finally got set in the story. And I really grew to love her. She doesn't take crap from people but she also has this sensitive side that we don't originally see. She was a character that took a little more time to unfold but I loved her once I got to see other sides to her. There was a lot I assumed I knew but in reality I was not understanding.
LEE DONG-HYUN: This guy was so funny and I was grateful for his character throughout the show. He is just an amazing person especially with everyone else surrounding him being pieces of crap. He is the mentor Kim Seol-woo needed. I will admit there was a point when I questioned his character but I should never have doubted him. He is amazing and someone stable that you can always count on. Also he could be incredibly sassy which is key.
UN-KWANG: This man is hysterical. I know I've said that about a lot of characters (this show is a comedy) but he really was something else. I appreciated that although he was hilarious most of the time he knew when to be serious. He could give really great life advice when it was needed. He cared about other people but he could also stand up for himself when others were being stupid. I loved his character so much.
MO SEUNG-JAE: He was a really good villain. He was power hungry and manipulative. But they did not make him into this uncaring villain. He loved his son and his wife a lot. Even when he found out the secrets that his wife kept he didn't stop loving her. I appreciated that humanity we saw in him. It made him a more realistic villain.
"When working undercover how you end it is more important than how you start it."
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