It's Okay, That's Love
It's Okay, That's Love (Available on Viki) Content Warning: Talks often of sex, Language, and there is one sex scene but nothing is shown. Rating: A- Character Glossary: Jang Jae Yul: Famous Author Ji Hae-soo: Psychiatrist Jo Dong-Min: Psychiatrist and roomate of Hae Soo Park Soo-Kwang: Roommate of Hae Soo and Dong Min/ Has Tourette's Han Kang-woo: Friend of Jae Yul's/ High school student It's Okay, That's Love is primarily about mental illness and how the characters deal with and face various mental challenges while forming new relationships. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this show. It had a rocky start for me--it was interesting but the main girl kind of bugged me and I much preferred the focus and story that comes into play during the latter half of the show. This show brought me equal parts joy and pain--and it was nice to have that again. I was watching The Scholar Who Walks the Night before this (I still haven't finished it--I have 5 ep...