Tomorrow with You

 Tomorrow with You (Available on Netflix) 

Content Warning: Innuendo, Sex is implied but never shown, Language, Violence

Rating: B-

Character Glossary:

Yoo So Joon: Main Guy/ Time traveler

Song Ma Rin: Main Girl/ Amateur Photographer 

Kim Young Jin: Director at So Joon's company

Kang Ki-Doong: So Joon's best friend

Tomorrow with You is a drama about a time traveler named Yoo So Joon who is trying to change his destiny of dying. He marries Song Ma Rin in hopes of changing his fate. But as they grow together as a married couple he grows to love her. However, there is more at stake than either of them realize and they will have to fight against time and fate in order to save themselves and those they love,

I really liked this show but it had the same issue that I had with My Holo Love. That problem is that the last few episodes were so good that it makes me want to buy the show but the rest of the show is not as great so I can't bring myself to do it. When I first started this show I asked myself, "Why have I not heard more about this show? The premise is so unique and it looks like it's going to be a fun show." And then I actually watched the show and that question was answered. It had such potential that I think was wasted. BUT I think it is important to add that I absolutely recommend you give this a shot at some point because I don't regret watching it. I'd even watch it again if a friend wanted me to watch it with them. The good elements in this show are so good that they make it worth plowing for the not so good things. 


OVERALL STORY: Like I mentioned above the first 75% of this show is not so great. I felt like they could have done WAY BETTER at the whole time traveling thing. Maybe I have just watched way too many time shows so I'm a bigger stickler than most but some of the things were just plain stupid. Example: So Joon is trying to figure out why certain things happen in the future so he talks to future Song Ma Rin who tells him, "If you want to do something stop Se-young (his friend) from leaving for Japan." BUT WE NEVER HEAR ABOUT IT AGAIN. He doesn't even take the time to think about it like legit what was the point of mentioning that at all if he wasn't even going to do anything about it. And I think that might have prevented Se-young's father from being murdered. (There is no guarantee it would have worked but it had a way better chance than what went down.) So that really bugged me. And the romance was a big issue for me but I'll go into that more in the next section. Now I'll go onto the last part of the story that I enjoyed. There was actual character growth and the stakes were so high--I was on the edge of my seat. I connected with the characters, the romance was good, and the villain was so unexpectedly excellent. I loved the development of the villain and how it led to the climax at the end. The last few episodes were so good I am seriously tempted to just buy the show anyway because it was so excellent. And the time traveling even worked out better and I wish the whole show could have had this kind of amazingness....but maybe I'll end up watching it again or buying it. (Also that ending seriously made me cry like why) 

MAIN ROMANCE: Like with the plot I had problems with how this was executed in the first part of the show. So Joon came off as lowkey creepy even though we understand he was trying to get married quickly because he wanted to prevent his death. And he could be incredibly frustrating because he would keep secrets which did more harm than good. There were points where I almost stopped watching because of how frustrating he was. But I did love watching them grow to trust each other and him open up to her. That was fantastic even if it came a little late. They were super cute at the end though and you'd better believe I was 100% invested in their happiness. I would hate to be around them in real life though because they are seriously such a cheesy couple. But I just wish their relationship had developed better. 

SECONDARY ROMANCE: This wasn't a big part of the story but I enjoyed how it developed. It was between So-yeon and Ki-doong, two of So-Joon's friends. I liked seeing their journey from friends to--eventually--being married. They had good chemistry and I enjoyed the few scenes they had together. I thought that their relationship was handled perfectly. I am usually a person who wants the secondary couple to have more screen time but in this case I thought it had the perfect amount. I was invested in their relationship and it melded with the overall story nicely. 

YOO SO JOON: So he's a complicated character for me. For the majority of the story I saw him as incredibly irresponsible. He had little to no growth and never thought of anyone outside of himself. Which is a totally fine starting point but having to continue on through the story with him wavering very little from that image bothered me. One thing you should know about me: I am HUGE on

character growth. Especially for characters that need it. One example is Daoming Si from Meteor Garden whose character growth is PIVOTAL to the story as a whole. And actually enhanced the story as a whole for me as a viewer. I was hoping for a similar thing in this show. But we did not get it until THE VERY END. (Do you see the pattern with this show??) The last couple episodes I grew to love So-Joon so much and I am still angry that we got his character growth so late. Within those last couple episodes he matured and I feel like he had a better appreciation for time traveling itself. I feel like his character was let down because he could have had a way better character arc. 

SONG MA RIN: I really liked her, probably because we get a decent amount of character growth with her. She is not afraid to call So-Joon out on his crap (which happens more often than it should) and I loved seeing her grow into herself. She starts off insecure and closed in but ends as a vibrant woman who goes after her dreams. I also appreciated how realistically she reacted to everything. She never just accepted things or was unnecessarily difficult about things. She was a strong female lead and I appreciated her so much in this show. She was a good balance when So-Joon was being an idiot.  

KIM YOUNG JIN: I DID NOT EXPECT HIM AT ALL. The development of the villain was hands down one of my favorite parts of this show. It was developed so well and we see him slowly spiral into insanity. We literally saw a murder develop ON SCREEN. How intense is that? He started out just as your normal power hungry directory in this real estate company who just wants to be chairman. He feels overlooked and unimportant. So he starts to try to take money away from the company and scam investors into investing into this land. But slowly the investors become wary of him and someone finds out about what he's doing. So he kidnaps the man and ends up killing him. Throughout all of this we see him slowly start to lose his mind and still he continues to blame other people for all of his problems. He ends up killing someone else and trying to kill So-Joon.... he becomes an absolute psycho. But I felt like he got a satisfying end so that was good. He was absolutely one of my favorite villains ever and I recommend watching the show solely for him if you are on the fence about the other things.

KANG KI DOONG: He was one of my absolute favorite characters in the show. He was hilarious and his reactions to everything were so on point I'd find myself laughing every time he was on screen. I

loved his bromance with So-Joon--it was probably one of my favorite bromances on screen ever. I liked how they were totally comfortable with each other and their friendship was such a shining light during this show. Ki-doong never stopped supporting his friend and I was so grateful for his presence in this show. 


"Life is shorter than you think. You should not be hung up on the past." 



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