Bring it on Ghost
Bring it on Ghost (Available on Viki and Netflix {After October 30 for Netflix})
Content Warning: Frightening Imagery and Language
My Rating: A-
Character Glossary:
Park Bong Pal: Main Character
Kim Hyun-Ji: Ghost
Kim In-Rang: Classmate of Bong Pal
Choi Cheon-sang: Other classmate of Bong Pal
Myung-Cheol: Monk
Joo Hye-Sung: Main Bad Guy
Bring it On Ghost is about a guy named Bong Pal who is able to see ghosts. He uses his gift to exorcise other people's supernatural problems in order to earn money. But his whole life is flipped around when he runs into a ghost named Hyun-Ji.... who doesn't remember anything about who she was when she was alive. The two are thrown together and start to take down evil ghosts with the help of two other people from the college. But everything is not as simple as it seems. Evil is brewing and it will take everyone to be able to bring it down.
OVERALL STORY: Wow was this a rollercoaster of a show. If you liked Master's Sun I would definitely recommend this to you. I actually think that this show did a little bit better at the concept of seeing ghosts then Master's Sun did. (But you still should look into that show because it has some really great stuff in it.) First off, the main bad guy was actually pretty legitimate and built up. "Sketch Boy" as I called him really freaked me out at times. He was a perfect culmination to all the ghosts they fought before and I thought that the plot developed rather well in that regard. My only criticism in this regard is that we didn't get as much background on the demon or have as big of an epic fight as I was expecting. (Not to say that the final battle wasn't awesome I just expected something different.) I thought that the characters also developed rather well and I loved the chemistry of all the different characters. One of the biggest plot twists was when we found out that Hyun-Ji wasn't actually dead just in a coma. This was something that I did not expect but I actually liked a lot. I do wish that we could have gotten more of them fighting ghosts after she woke up from her coma but that didn't affect the quality of the story. I just loved seeing them fight ghosts... (Side note: This show really did have frightening imagery so please be aware.)
MAIN ROMANCE: Oh my heavens they were so cute! One of the things I loved about their relationship is the fact that they trusted each other and didn't go through the whole: we fought and we try to get back together but one of us is too prideful. That is not to say that they didn't break up or anything because THEY DID. It was one of the most frustrating things ever because it was due to the meddling of others. For example, the monk dude was like you guys can't be together because she's dead and you're alive. Like I get it but come on he's in freaking college! He. Is. An. Adult. But this is a common occurrence in Asian dramas so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. But they did have the best adorable moments ever so I did adore them.
PARK BONG PAL: I loved him. And I also loved his character growth. He didn't go through the whole bad to good guy but good guy to better guy. He was an easy main character to support and love. He's kind of an outsider and he likes it that way but throughout the story we see him actually make friends! While he was fine by himself I think that the real growth for him was when he let people in and stopped trying to solve every problem on his own.
KIM HYUN-JI: The actress who plays her is one of my favorites so it was pretty much a guarantee that I would love this character. (She also is the main girl in Page Turner) One thing I loved about her character is that she is definitely someone who can defend herself. She never had to rely on other people and it was nice how she was such a bright and happy person. Because of her the story itself was able to progress and be what it is. She was kick butt and I loved her fighting scenes. If you like amazing heroines she is definitely someone you have to see.
KIM IN-RANG: Poor dude. He just has his heart broken and then had to watch them be happy together. He didn't get a lot of character development or even have enough screen time to make an impact. I did enjoy him as a character he made me laugh and I thought his duo with Choi Cheon Sang was GOLD.
CHOI CHEON-SANG: Like the guy above he didn't get a lot of character growth or really anything besides being part of the comic relief. I loved his character and I am grateful that he helped pull Bong Pal out of his shell but I wish we had seen some more character growth on his part because we only got to know the surface level and I just wish we could have gotten more.
MYUNG- CHEOL: I loved him and I hated him. I loved him as a character but I thought it was stupid (as I mentioned above) that he couldn't respect Bong Pal's opinions. I thought he took too much control and it was annoying. But all of that aside he was a great father figure to Bong Pal and he was one of the only ones putting together all of the pieces of the creepy demon dude. Because of him the demon got defeated and I was grateful he didn't die although I definitely thought that would be how his story ended.
JOO HYE SUNG: He was a legitimately creepy villain. They would play this music and he would do his little smirk or eye dart thingy and I was a little freaked out. Hence the name "Sketch Boy." Like I mentioned I wish we could have gotten some more background on the demon itself but we did get a decent amount on the body it was possessing. And that was dark and depressing in and of itself. As a kid he and his mother were abused by his father and one day he wanted to do something about it. That was when the demon was able to possess him-- because of the anger he held for his father and his desire to kill him. It was sad but even more so when the demon got exorcised out of him and he had to face up to what he had a hand in.
"Everyone is meant to live with some kind of fear. If you keep running away from it just because you feel scared and nervous, it's not good. In those cases, you have to keep moving forward even more."
"You don't need to be scared because I'll always be right beside you."
Content Warning: Frightening Imagery and Language
My Rating: A-
Character Glossary:

Kim Hyun-Ji: Ghost
Kim In-Rang: Classmate of Bong Pal
Choi Cheon-sang: Other classmate of Bong Pal
Myung-Cheol: Monk
Joo Hye-Sung: Main Bad Guy
Bring it On Ghost is about a guy named Bong Pal who is able to see ghosts. He uses his gift to exorcise other people's supernatural problems in order to earn money. But his whole life is flipped around when he runs into a ghost named Hyun-Ji.... who doesn't remember anything about who she was when she was alive. The two are thrown together and start to take down evil ghosts with the help of two other people from the college. But everything is not as simple as it seems. Evil is brewing and it will take everyone to be able to bring it down.
OVERALL STORY: Wow was this a rollercoaster of a show. If you liked Master's Sun I would definitely recommend this to you. I actually think that this show did a little bit better at the concept of seeing ghosts then Master's Sun did. (But you still should look into that show because it has some really great stuff in it.) First off, the main bad guy was actually pretty legitimate and built up. "Sketch Boy" as I called him really freaked me out at times. He was a perfect culmination to all the ghosts they fought before and I thought that the plot developed rather well in that regard. My only criticism in this regard is that we didn't get as much background on the demon or have as big of an epic fight as I was expecting. (Not to say that the final battle wasn't awesome I just expected something different.) I thought that the characters also developed rather well and I loved the chemistry of all the different characters. One of the biggest plot twists was when we found out that Hyun-Ji wasn't actually dead just in a coma. This was something that I did not expect but I actually liked a lot. I do wish that we could have gotten more of them fighting ghosts after she woke up from her coma but that didn't affect the quality of the story. I just loved seeing them fight ghosts... (Side note: This show really did have frightening imagery so please be aware.)
MAIN ROMANCE: Oh my heavens they were so cute! One of the things I loved about their relationship is the fact that they trusted each other and didn't go through the whole: we fought and we try to get back together but one of us is too prideful. That is not to say that they didn't break up or anything because THEY DID. It was one of the most frustrating things ever because it was due to the meddling of others. For example, the monk dude was like you guys can't be together because she's dead and you're alive. Like I get it but come on he's in freaking college! He. Is. An. Adult. But this is a common occurrence in Asian dramas so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. But they did have the best adorable moments ever so I did adore them.
PARK BONG PAL: I loved him. And I also loved his character growth. He didn't go through the whole bad to good guy but good guy to better guy. He was an easy main character to support and love. He's kind of an outsider and he likes it that way but throughout the story we see him actually make friends! While he was fine by himself I think that the real growth for him was when he let people in and stopped trying to solve every problem on his own.
KIM HYUN-JI: The actress who plays her is one of my favorites so it was pretty much a guarantee that I would love this character. (She also is the main girl in Page Turner) One thing I loved about her character is that she is definitely someone who can defend herself. She never had to rely on other people and it was nice how she was such a bright and happy person. Because of her the story itself was able to progress and be what it is. She was kick butt and I loved her fighting scenes. If you like amazing heroines she is definitely someone you have to see.
KIM IN-RANG: Poor dude. He just has his heart broken and then had to watch them be happy together. He didn't get a lot of character development or even have enough screen time to make an impact. I did enjoy him as a character he made me laugh and I thought his duo with Choi Cheon Sang was GOLD.
CHOI CHEON-SANG: Like the guy above he didn't get a lot of character growth or really anything besides being part of the comic relief. I loved his character and I am grateful that he helped pull Bong Pal out of his shell but I wish we had seen some more character growth on his part because we only got to know the surface level and I just wish we could have gotten more.
MYUNG- CHEOL: I loved him and I hated him. I loved him as a character but I thought it was stupid (as I mentioned above) that he couldn't respect Bong Pal's opinions. I thought he took too much control and it was annoying. But all of that aside he was a great father figure to Bong Pal and he was one of the only ones putting together all of the pieces of the creepy demon dude. Because of him the demon got defeated and I was grateful he didn't die although I definitely thought that would be how his story ended.
JOO HYE SUNG: He was a legitimately creepy villain. They would play this music and he would do his little smirk or eye dart thingy and I was a little freaked out. Hence the name "Sketch Boy." Like I mentioned I wish we could have gotten some more background on the demon itself but we did get a decent amount on the body it was possessing. And that was dark and depressing in and of itself. As a kid he and his mother were abused by his father and one day he wanted to do something about it. That was when the demon was able to possess him-- because of the anger he held for his father and his desire to kill him. It was sad but even more so when the demon got exorcised out of him and he had to face up to what he had a hand in.
"Everyone is meant to live with some kind of fear. If you keep running away from it just because you feel scared and nervous, it's not good. In those cases, you have to keep moving forward even more."
"You don't need to be scared because I'll always be right beside you."
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